Pikeminnow/Peamouth/ Chub flys????

Troutier Bassier
Active member
What flys would wark for pikeminnow, peamout, and chub. has any of you fly guys caught one of those on a fly. where and how???
Flies are not the best way to go about hooking these fish, but I have stabbed countless "Garbage" fish on white, olive, brown, and black Wolly Buggers, and also on Gold Hares Ear nymphs. Any black beadhead bug should work too if the fish are hungry. Most come from the Tualatin river, or the Mac when I fish it, but they were all traditionally swung on a 4/5 wt. Some in more recent times have come on drift fished egg patterns , and other big, ugly Steelhead bugs, but that was just using a fly stick to drift pockets on the Clack, Sandy, Ump, and Santiams.
Of coures its not the best way too But it gets boring after a while catching them with spinning, Anyways I'm trying to get into flyfishing a little more. I know how to cast and everything I just need a 6wt flyrod/Reel, Line, Backing. etc.
Right you are man! At least you know that it is not the most effective way to target those fis! Same with fly smashing for Salmon/Steelhead. When I do happen to go about it traditionally, I am not there to catch the most fish, just there to catch fish in a way most don't understand. I do like to Skagit cast a one hander:shock: in tight quarters, and lots would disagree, but it is actually effective if your belly section is short enough, and you aren't running a 9, or 10 wt. line and super sinker bug! But fly fishin is probably one of the most entertaining methods, and it can be very rewarding once you verse yourself in different presentations. Hope you enjoy the bug flingin man!
Anything will eat a fly, as long as it is disturbing/in front of it right?
Ian, Its like your steelhead on gum, broccoli, and cheerios... I want to challenge you to catch a fish on a boiled egg yolk.
I would not say anything will eat a fly, as we have watched fish reject bugs, and go for beads, or even corkies before. But presentation is everything when fishing. As long as there is a fish in the area, and it looks like the bug is half real, chances are excellent they will eat it to see whats up.

I could do somethin like that! Getting a boiled egg yolk to stay on for more than a cast would be difficult, but I know of a couple ways to make this work. I'll keep you posted. Also canned Green Beans are no good, but Asparagus is. And so are nectarines!;):lol:
ArcticAmoeba said:
I could do somethin like that! Getting a boiled egg yolk to stay on for more than a cast would be difficult, but I know of a couple ways to make this work. I'll keep you posted. Also canned Green Beans are no good, but Asparagus is. And so are nectarines!;):lol:

I can't believe you are going to do it... :lol:
Do you just put what ever you have on the hook when you dont have good bait like eggs and shrimp and yarn and... you must have to much free time. ;)
Oh yes, try to hook one on a banana. :tongue::lol:
I'll try anything when it comes to fishin, especially if it is for Steelhead! They are the dumbest of the bunch. Even Chums get pickier than those monkey Chrome Troots!

Banannas are easy sauce my friend... And I have a friend who already has a buncha Chinook on plugs wrapped in peels to prove it! Haha! I have drift fished soggy chunks, but only got one hooked on a yellow, not chartreuse, piece of yarn that was in with it. Banannas are soft, and need some salt to toughen 'em up a little bit to stay on the hooks!:rolleyes: Ah, hahahahaha!:lol::lol:

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