Photos of a gil net and contents

Here are some shots I took today while fishing behind the Steelhead hatchery in Irrigon of a gil net being pulled in and the net damage to a few fish they threw to guys on the bank (chinook jack, walleye, catfish, and a steelhead not pictured).











the sturgeon were alive and thrown back into the river.


p.s. no salmon or steelhead for me today but I did catch a 20+ inch sucker and here is photo proof that I did NOT get skunked and did catch a fish, albeit not one I was targeting

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boy it looks like they did a number on the sturgeon in that set. Thats too bad..

Pretty cool of them to give you guys their bycatch instead of letting them float away/rot in the river!

What would you guess their overall # of fish in their net was?
about 30 salmonids in various length ranges, at least six sturgeon from three to six+ feet in length, one cat, one walleye. And that is not counting the 50+ dead fish that floated out of their net when they were hauling it up.

What a Freaking Waste.
Thats like going to the Store and Buying a Bunch of crap you dont need. and throwing it away.

Did you snag that Sucker? Lol Get it. Sucker.
I forgot to add that I heard yesterday that a couple weeks ago another tribal boat pulling in their nets mutilated a bunch of sturgeon. What they did is slice open the bellies of the sturgeon to remove the eggs and then throw the sturgeon back into the water... What a waste.

Words typed through the keyboard can't express my feelings about that....We have all these restrictions when it comes to 'em...barbless hooks, size restrictions, limited seasons and quotas....There is no hatchery program for 'em(and i hope we dont get to the point where anyone thinks we need one)....Yet Kill nets are non descriminate to what size fish gets caught in em, or how many....I think shock value would be the only thing that would really push things in the right direction, faster. Pictures similar to the ones above, only on commercial front, not native. Pictures of said sturgeon with only the eggs taken-floating down river, and of course whatever other dead by-catch that floats up outta the nets.
You know, I'm willing to let them have their special tribal harvest, but it still needs to be responsible, and at the very least not wasteful.

My Dad used to have a saying from when he was a Marine. It was posted in their chow hall: "Take all you want, but eat all you take."
I forgot to add that I heard yesterday that a couple weeks ago another tribal boat pulling in their nets mutilated a bunch of sturgeon. What they did is slice open the bellies of the sturgeon to remove the eggs and then throw the sturgeon back into the water... What a waste.


Anyone know why Your only allowed to keep 5 sturgeon a Year?
Words typed through the keyboard can't express my feelings about that....We have all these restrictions when it comes to 'em...barbless hooks, size restrictions, limited seasons and quotas....There is no hatchery program for 'em(and i hope we dont get to the point where anyone thinks we need one)....

There are 4 sturgeon hatcheries that stock the columbia every year, one is at gnat creek, one is at Bonneville, one at the dalles ( I believe that is its location ) and one that I don't know the location of, but Im suprised how many expirenced knowledgeable fishermen don't realize the columbia and willy are stocked yearly.since 1989 the willy has been stocked with over 70,000 white sturgeon. And many people don't know that the natives have a commercial gillnet sturgeon season too... now that really p%^% me off!!
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