Oxbow 1/28

Was down at Oxbow this AM with no luck. On the water about 6:45 and fished till about noon. River flow looked good and fish-able, had a little bit of color to it but wasn't too bad.

Fished from above the boat ramp down to the Y camp and didn't see anyone out there hooking up. . . Anyone have any luck?


Was down at Oxbow this AM with no luck. On the water about 6:45 and fished till about noon. River flow looked good and fish-able, had a little bit of color to it but wasn't too bad.

Fished from above the boat ramp down to the Y camp and didn't see anyone out there hooking up. . . Anyone have any luck?

dont give up on oxbow would be a great bet for tomarrow!!! my cousin was at dabney today and saw a sled net one nice hen this morning and his son lost one and later on another friend checking out dabney boat ramp talked to a gentleman with another nice hen loading it into the back of his truck!! they are finaly here!!! can't wait till tomarrow just not sure where im going yet??? dodge park? oxbow? cedar?
Had a nice hook up and long distance release yesterday swinging flies. Got a nice tug a few head shakes and a good surface boil and then it was gone! We were down at the end of the park. Things have sure changed. Some big trees in the water around and above the boat ramp.
weekend fishing report

weekend fishing report

THURSDAY- went sturgeon fishing off the bank near marine drive caught 2 shakers

FRIDAY- went to eagle creek not a single fish caught or spotted

SATURDAY- went to the sandy on cedar creek, water had some color to it saw 4 fish caught
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