Opinions on wild vs hatchery salmonids

Well I am in need of some sources for a paper im writing in class. Subject is the interaction of wild and hatchery salmonids. Basically I just want to see what people have for thoughts in this area. Things im looking at in the paper are the way they are alike or different, I.E. run timing, fighting, taste etc. Or if and/or how they compete with each other for breeding grounds or food. Basically looking at some of your first hand thoughts and observations pertaining to salmon, steelhead, and trout.

I kind of want to keep this broad based. The majority of my focus in the paper stems in the Pac NW and I figured it would be a good way to see what the fisherfolks in oregon view the hatchery system in all its good and bad and possibly provide a view of how it could be improved.
Sounds like an interesting paper/project. I'm by no means an expert about the behavioral/biological differences/likeness between wild and hatchery salmonids but I will share my opinion based on my own experiences and from what I've learned from others. Other OFFers please feel free to chime in or correct me if you think I'm wrong.

Generally speaking, hatchery fish return a bit sooner than their non-clipped brethren.
'Wild' fish definitely fight a bit harder-a bit more spunk and seemingly more aggressive/willing to bite
As for taste, I think it's more a matter of how 'fresh' they are from the ocean more than anything else.

I'm sure there's loads of literature on these topics if you want a more 'objective' perspective. However, fisherman are great resources and are full of knowledge that sometimes the guys in lab-coats either overlook or are ignorant to. I hope this helps and you're paper turns out great.
the reason im asking the forum is to get a fisherman/womans view and use as a cited source for my paper. Mlw that website may come in handy for me this weekend with the paper as well. Johnny Southpaw opinions are what im looking for :) Some area's of my paper are based upon scientific answers and other area's along with relatable arguments are based off opinions and views
I have found that the fighting characteristics of hatchery salmon and wild salmon do not differ.
They taste the same.
I do not have an issue with hatcheries for salmon, now, steelhead, that is a different story, if there are wild steelhead on a river, that river should not be enhanced by a hatchery.
We have seen up here runs of hatchery salmon come back and restore certain runs that were almost wiped out by fishing, now, with non-retention of some species of salmon, even though they are hatchery, the returns have been much better.
now how about this idea. there is an existing run that is being supplemented by hatchery. what about genetic diversity and do the fish that are being reared and planted FROM that run? or another?
the_intimidator03 said:
now how about this idea. there is an existing run that is being supplemented by hatchery. what about genetic diversity and do the fish that are being reared and planted FROM that run? or another?

If a wild run still exists, I would collect the eggs and milt from the wild stock and rear those in the hatchery.
There has been some speculation that wild runs could be spawning in different tributaries of the same mainstem river, due to water levels, etc, so the genes would be very close.

I have found that the fighting characteristics of hatchery salmon and wild salmon do not differ.
They taste the same.
I do not have an issue with hatcheries for salmon, now, steelhead, that is a different story, if there are wild steelhead on a river, that river should not be enhanced by a hatchery.
The difference is size. Hatchery fish are a necessary invasive species.
Yes size is a factor indeed. Still think that we need to quit planting so many river with steelhead..
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