Opening day Wickiup brown

Just got home from camping at Wickiup with Thuggin, BFishin, Ibefishermen, and a couple good friends. Packed as usual on opening weekend. I think I saw the most boats I've ever seen on the water yesterday morning. Thuggin and Bfishin hit the water at o'dark thirty in Thuggins boat and me, Ibefishermen, and my friends left at daylight. Me, Ibfishermen, and one of my friends came back empty handed from our morning fishing while Thuggin and Bfishin came back with 2 nice browns. A few beer drinking hours passed before we all headed back out. Thuggin and Bfishin offered Ibfishermen an open seat and hit the water. ( Thanks Thuggin, I really appreciate your offer) And me and my two friends took off in my buddy's boat and trolled the Davis channel until we got to the main part of the lake. We trolled the south bank with only one bite before heading to the dam to see how Thuggin's boat was doing. After a rough 15 minute boat ride we spotted Thuggin's boat and saw the only fish caught so far. Ibfishermen brought a nice fat 22" brown to the boat. We gave a big cheer, then trolled for a while until one of my buddy's couldn't manage to take a leak, due to the rough water, and decided to head back. While I was reeling my lure in a fish nailed my bait ten feet from the boat. After an awesome fight we got my fish in the boat. A beautiful 24" brown. It weighed 4.5 lbs at camp after it bled out. Thuggin has pics of Ibfishermen's fish. Thuggin and Bfishin were out on the water when me and my friends left. Hopefully they got into some more fish.
Thats what I am talkin bout beautiful fish man !!!!!!!!!!!!
awesome opening day!!! good job guys :D i need to fish this lake one day :)
Hey Tt thanks for letting us camp in the spot. gonna do the posting tomorrow after a must needed recupe but we killed them today too. eatin some now with a bunch brining.
Nice fish. I'm usually there on the opener but I'm stuck here in S. Cali watching the kid run around Donald Duck, wishing I was on any piece of water back in Oregon with a line in.
Thuggin4Life said:
Hey Tt thanks for letting us camp in the spot. gonna do the posting tomorrow after a must needed recupe but we killed them today too. eatin some now with a bunch brining.

Your welcome man. Can't wait for your report!
Ya, thanks TT. I had a blast up there last weekend!
No problem! You guys are always welcome in my camp.
wow TT, what i nice brown....nice job man, and bfishin, nice job guys...i need to go get some browns maybe ill head to my favorite spot this weekend
Holy Smokes TT...I haven't got a fry pan large enough for that monster! VERY NICE!
Beautiful fish TT.
nwkiller said:
wow TT, what i nice brown....nice job man, and bfishin, nice job guys...i need to go get some browns maybe ill head to my favorite spot this weekend

Right on man, thanks. Good luck if you go this weekend.
were you guys rocking rapalas? have you guys tried tazmanian devils? they work really good for the browns and brookies
Yeah rapalas. Tryed some other things but for somereason all the fish and takedowns came on a variety of shapes and sizes of rapalas but all on the same color.
ya, sometime when you dont feel like trolling or your having motor issues, bust out a taz devil and toss it out...let it fall....YANK it hard and reel it a bit....let it fall...YANK it hard and reel it a and green were hot for me
but raps always get the browns!!! again, nice job guys
Years ago my buddy caught a couple nice browns from the bank on tasmanian devils near the dam in September. Those things have great action and you can cast them a mile.
Thuggin4Life said:
Yeah rapalas. Tryed some other things but for somereason all the fish and takedowns came on a variety of shapes and sizes of rapalas but all on the same color.

What color? I do best using either silver and black or gold and black. Always a jointed floater size J-9
I've only caught one Brown in my whole life (almost 45 years on the waters). I am jealous.

Did you use a Flasher set / Lake Troll rig along w/ the Rap's? Were you flat lining on / near the surface, or were you using weight and dropping it down? Any scent on the Rap's?

Details man, we want details. LOL :lol:;)

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