Open seat Sunday 9/12

70% sure I can swing a trip this Sunday but the wife has plans. Need a rider with salmon trolling experience. I'm game for anywhere from Newport to Coos Bay.
18' Jetcraft with full canvas and downriggers.
Cheers, Dan
OH man...a dangling carrot. It's a bummer that I can't bite. DOH!

But, I'll bet you'll find someone who can ride along.
I am headint to th siuslaw tomorrow to see how it goes I hear coosbay has been red hot from some friends that live down there.

I may get back to you since I dont live but a couple miles from you. if I suck tomorow I prolly wont be game to go back for a week or so.
coos bay salmon derby is this weekend, was there last weekend and the upper channel was far from red hot. i saw only 15-20 fish boated for 200+ boat all weekend. we had 4 drive bys our only solid hook ups were on saturday on the slaw before we headed south.
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my b-day is sunday and i will be on the slaw in my ugly red drift boat trying to put a hurt on some nookie with my six year old good luck charm.
Hey good luck to both of you guys sorry I couldn't accompany anyone this weekend but really want to het out. Maybe she I get ky boat done we should have a mini off gather on a coastal river for bragging rights.
Good luck you guys. And catch one for me since i think i may have made it possible for you to meet each other for the first time. seriously though get one for me i will be home all weekend working on the boat.
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