One reason I tie my own . . .


. . . hand-tied (left) vs. store bought (right) . . .


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Good enough reason right get to pick materials and methods that you can have confidence in...looks like an SRC or steelie getter for sure!
It is home water (the Alsea) is where it and the similar Alsea Special were developed...I have a box full of different sizes and variations...very important SRC pattern...We also tie them in size 4 and 2 for late summer and early winter steel on the Siletz...Sorry @John3, didn't mean to hijack you there...Nice tying of a wonderful pattern!!
Thanks for the compliments . . . I’m just getting into it after a thirteen year layoff.


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It is home water (the Alsea) is where it and the similar Alsea Special were developed...I have a box full of different sizes and variations...very important SRC pattern...We also tie them in size 4 and 2 for late summer and early winter steel on the Siletz...Sorry @John3, didn't mean to hijack you there...Nice tying of a wonderful pattern!!


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It is home water (the Alsea) is where it and the similar Alsea Special were developed...I have a box full of different sizes and variations...very important SRC pattern...We also tie them in size 4 and 2 for late summer and early winter steel on the Siletz...Sorry @John3, didn't mean to hijack you there...Nice tying of a wonderful pattern!!
Cool beans. Great looking variant of Bob Borden's legendary pattern.

His son Ryan used to be on this forum. But haven't heard much from him for a while.
I have never fly fished for bluebacks. We catch quite a few while trolling for Coho in the coastal lakes. I have always wanted to fly fish for them, maybe it’s time
As a rule :

Fast water = swing

Slow water = stripped

. . . but rules are made to be broken . . .

I seldom fish a sinking line or leader.
This is on target...I will fish a bigger, sz 1 or 1/0 version for winter steel swung on a sink tip or sz 6 swung dry line style for summers and stripped in froggy sections for SRC...remember, we wrote the rules and the fish rarely follow them ;)
Thanks! Also, if you don't mind, are you fishing this in tidewater, or up higher into a system?
I don't mean to step in front of @John3 here...We fish this pattern in every part of the summer, we rarely tie on any other fly except a more natural baitfish pattern to specifically target SRC...We've had success 30-40 river miles up...I think that all depends on your river, but if you have SRC and steel they'll eat it
I don't mean to step in front of @John3 here...We fish this pattern in every part of the summer, we rarely tie on any other fly except a more natural baitfish pattern to specifically target SRC...We've had success 30-40 river miles up...I think that all depends on your river, but if you have SRC and steel they'll eat it
Awesome, thanks! I need to find a good version locally. I don't tie myself and bought a couple online that did not hold up well.
Hi @portlandrain...sorry for the late may have some difficulty finding this pattern in a shop as it is sort of a local pattern to the central coast...judging by your handle, you're in Portland? If so, you have way more access to fly shops than us down here in coastal around and send some emails with pics...also ask them if they know of any custom tyers that can help...if I was in a better situation I'd do some up for ya, just not there at the moment...good luck!
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