OK, It's opinion time Chinook Style

With all the earth quakes happening across the waters, do you folks believe that with the rain and the slight tidal surge we will see a lot of fish coming in, and what is in going up stream. I know there were no bad waves from the 8.0 in Samoa, but I heard from locals there was a few bigger waves on the beach. I would think that may awaken those fish a little. What do you think?? May be a good time to go try. I will look for the totem pole hole too. :pray: Tight Lines, Dan
I know that on the Siletz it helped the extra 2 inch surge moved the fish in. I know right at high tide switch that river lit on fire!
Kodiak said:
I know that on the Siletz it helped the extra 2 inch surge moved the fish in. I know right at high tide switch that river lit on fire!
did you get anything on the siletz yet?:pray:
qwapaw said:
With all the earth quakes happening across the waters, do you folks believe that with the rain and the slight tidal surge we will see a lot of fish coming in, and what is in going up stream. I know there were no bad waves from the 8.0 in Samoa, but I heard from locals there was a few bigger waves on the beach. I would think that may awaken those fish a little. What do you think?? May be a good time to go try. I will look for the totem pole hole too. :pray: Tight Lines, Dan

I could imagine the rains not helping but lets hope the eathquake woke some up and made them want to move. Deffinantly a good time to try but you know better than me. And I have a feeling you know where that hole is but it is named as it is to keep its location secret but obvious but still gets you thinking....was that it back there...maybe this is it....wait that spot up there looks likeit could be....man I'm so confused.
We will be in a red and black Koeffler drift boat in the Siuslaw on Saturday. I think we will bobber fish for a few hours and then troll if nothing happens with bait. We did get a nice Jack at the old Hagn'n tree hole last time we were there. My partner wants to fish the Bear Cub hole, so that is where we may be. It's between the boat landing and the bridge on the east side of the river. Say hi if you see us. Tight lines, Dan
Lol..TOTEM POLE HOLE! (told you it was gonna become a household name).

I think that the tides will be increased, and with the rain..i'm thinking that there will be a surge.

But who knows.

Fish are bizarre creatures.
Too bad you not going to be out there on sunday. It would be nice to bump boats for a minute. Seems like we go out real close ut not close enough to see each other on the water. I know right were the bear cub hole is. As for the old hanging tree hole the might be one or two of them but I'm sure I know where you are talking about. We seen a guy get one below the sailboat hole a couple trips back. Good luck out there.
I know up here it hasn't made a change, if anything it stopped fish. I haven't seen anything going up my river in some time. Except a few chromers in a net.
The bad thing about being older than most of you is the names of the holes have all changed in the last 20 years and the Hagn'n tree is gone now so it may have a new name. I usually don't fish on Sunday because it takes a day or so to rest up from the trip, and I have to be at work early every Monday morning. We will be back down there on the 17th to fish the same general area. Maybe we can bump boat then. I have only met a couple OFFERS so far, and they were nice folks. Tight Lines, Dan
we have just been making up names as we go except fot the few i know that have names like the dairy hole. totem pole, upside down green boat, sailboat, are some we made up. thought bear cub was one until you called it. if you want ill tell you were totem is if you havent figured it out pm me your number and we can bs.
Dairy hole ain't got nothin' on the Totem Pole Hole, which is the most legit hole in the entire river that is the Siuslaw. The entire river. lol.

Gotta say....I'm not impressed with this Dairy Hole so far, i hear everyone talkin' about it...but the few (albeit very few, okay, like three) times I've been there...I haven't seen any action.

I myself shouldn't fish on sundays, because come monday, I'm an evil, evil sleep deprived person....but I think that if I don't go on sundays, I'm that same evil sleep deprived person x 1,000.
Jeanna, I sent Thuggin a photo of the bear cub hole. I hope he forwards it to you. It is East of the Ramp in Mapleton. Now I guess it would be the full grown bear hole if he or she came out. There is good bobber fishing in that stretch and in my ten year on the Suislaw I have had many Nook hookrd up on Sand Shrimp in that area. I think if we don't do anything there I will go up to Jack Rock and see if anything is happening. I haven't tried that in years, but used to be a great hole for Jacks to log Jam up in. Good Luck Sunday, and I hope the folks with the real Totem Pole up river don't have too many boats in thier back yard this weekend. Dan
I will and hopefully they go up there so the stay out of the real one lol.good luck out there.

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