OF & Game 'gaff' visa vi the fly only water on the north Umpqua!

Several States require you purchase a Steelhead/Salmon "punch card" to fish/retain same. Anyway, picked up my 2013's today (my first go getting one at the Very Seasoned Citizen rate) and with the punch card you're handed out a 'How to fill out same.'

Good idea and you have to do same ASAP if you retain a fish. Reading the back of this and did a DEAR GOD! SAY IT ISN'T SOOOOO! The example stream was the fly only section of the North Umpqua. And the info (a major gaff) said you could retain a 'Native Fish!!'

Immediately pull up the Reg's on line and two references to "NO YOU CAN'T!" I know they have to print the game regs months before distribution so check Region Update .... Nope (thank God!)

ASAP to Salem talking to 'Nice Lady' at OF&G and described what I was reading, what I'd read, and is there something I don't know about ..... ?

"Can you hold a second while I get one?"

'Sure,' and she's back on the phone a minute later ... 'Let me read through this .....'

Last words I expected to hear: "Oh Shxt, that's WRONG."

Guy who does the fish checks on the NU is not noted for his sense of humor; can you imagine how this would go in Court?
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ROFL!! Way to keep them on their toes Fred. LOL!!
ROFL!! Way to keep them on their toes Fred. LOL!!

One of my best reads/quotes was from Ben Franklin who wanted to hire someone to run his printing press (etc): "Send me a Man who reads."
You sir are observant. Awesome :clap:
You sir are observant. Awesome :clap:

Thank you Sir, but this, on your Sig-line, is the "Quote of the day: "

"Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas." -Calvin Coolidge"

Your choice of the 'what,' Coolidge may have said same, but you nailed it with your choice of bringing this to the collective attention.

Wow, that's a new one on me. I know you can't keep any non clipped steelhead or coho, but I thought you could keep a non clipped spring chinook (if your lucky enough to catch one) until it closes to salmon the end of june/july (?). I'll have to look that one up.....

There are a few rivers where you can keep a non-clipped winter Steelhead (5/year plus over 24") if memory serves here on the Rogue. Summer? No clip, back she goes. But the Reg's can change day to day so you have to go on line to the Wash/Oregon Game Department to see what's current.

Point being (repeating myself here) is the 'Reg's' are drawn up in the late summer-early fall, for publication, with what they 'think they know.' Numbers aren't working the fish and game can/will change them on a moments notice. Your job to keep up with current events.
Ha, that's interesting and funny!

You know down here in California they have a similar tag for steelhead as Oregon. BUT, you have to fill it out for the day BEFORE you start fishing! Didn't know that until we were out for a day already. They want to know the catch rate even if it's CandR, but most dudes on these remote CandR only rivers always fill out "0" fish caught so that it doesn't attract undue attention from out of area anglers (the catch rates are reported online).

So, a good idea for data collection is basically just a pipe dream.

My comment was referring directly to the rules on the North Umpqua
If there is one State trooper its the N.U. man... Do not push his buttons or mess around!