Next Generation Fisherman!


Well-known member
We have our 11 year old grandson with us for a week and we started out with a trip to Lost lake in the coast range for a day on the water. Zachary is quite the fisherman already when it comes to warm water fishing but this was his first time trout fishing. We started OFF with worms for him and a green leach for me. He landed his first fish before I even had my rod rigged and ready. I think his smile says it all!:shock: We landed about twelve fish in 5 hours and brought grandma her fish so she will let us go again.:rolleyes:

The fish were very active with fish jumping all around us for most of the afternoon and it was easy to cast near a rising fish and entice it with the fly.:cool: They were cruising the lake just below the surface and would readily strike at the fly as it was stripped near them.:D

Here are a few photos of the day......


We are OFF to Bonneville Dam today to watch the Nooks go over the dam and wonder around the Gorge for a while. Hope you all are having as much fun as I am.;) But I doubt it because I've go Zach with me!:D
Good you to get Zach out on the water (and in a life vest too). Glad youse guys are yuckin' it up and catching some some fatties there!

Be sure to share some stories about Rancid Crabtree and friends.
Looks like a good trip!

Ohhhhh and goooooooo GATORS!!

Next gen fisherman, Next gen Gator! Awesome!!
We went back on Tuesday evening and knocked them dead again! 10 fish in an hour and a half. Camped at Spruce Run park and fished the next day and got nothing! Like the bite just vanished! He'll be back for more I'm sure, though.
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