Newport/Alsea dock crabbing?

So anyone been to either of the ports for crabbing? Thinking about going this weekend but with the rain, not sure how things will be. Anyone out there as of late? Don't have a boat, so the dock is where we'll have to be.
Dock Crabbing

Dock Crabbing

I don't know about Newport but Alsea doesn't have a dedicated crabbing/fishing pier. You are allowed to crab off the dock in the marina. I've never seen many keepers there. You can rent a boat and rings with bait pretty reasonable. Alsea Bay is very low key and doesn't get as rough as the bigger water. I'll be there Sat & Sun.
I've heard Newport is pretty good and there are red rocks without size limits.
Florence has a nice pier off the south jetty and Charleston is pretty good.
I don't know the area north of Alsea much.
This is a good weekend for crabbin'. Good Luck,Dan :)
Thanks! I asked my SO if we could go and he didn't really want to since we are going to be making the drive to WA for thanksgiving. I still have about a day to convince him so I'll have to see. If someone has some good reports, perhaps I can use it to nuge him towards it. LOL

I love crabbing but he doesn't like the people on the docks. I bought 4 rings and a trap but have only used them 4 times. I would go myself, but "it's not safe", can't carry the gear, pack it or unpack it alone... and the kicker... none of it fits into my 2 door sports coupe. LOL
Alsea Bay is an easy trip from Corvallis. Renting a boat should be worth it this weekend unless the weather gets worse than predicted. My wife and I got two limits last trip. Most were caught upriver from the bridge.
I think the picture is posted under Alsea Tidewater News? Fishing in Northwest.
I'll be there Sat. and Sun. with friends I've been promising crabbing trips.
Black 18' Jetcraft with canvas.
Hope to see you on the water. Cheers,Dan
I saw the tides and they looked good! Sounds like you've got good crabbing luck.

But sadily, it's a no go. Wish I could say I'd see you there! Instead, tonight, we went out and just bought us a pair of shakespeare ugly sticks light so over break I can practice casting. I've never fished before so it's going to be a learning expereince for sure. LOL

Good luck catching crabs! Hope you all can each get your limits!
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