New here

I am new to this forum and am hoping to learn new things as well as share my own tips and techniques. I am an avid fisherman and have a 16ft glass drift-boat and live close to the sandy river. Nice to meet you all hope this a welcoming site? DavidandMichele210.jpg do all the pics on this site do this or can you get a fDavidandMichele198.jpgull pic? I have lots to share.Hey I got it.
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Welcome to the most welcoming forum online!! We are all about Caring & Sharing. Please jump in on any discussion and ask/add to the topic. With your drift boat and location, I bet you will make friends very soon. :-)
Welcome to OFF. Glad to have ya.

There are also peeps on here, who fish for species other than mentioned above too (bluegill, crappie, carp, whitefish, sturgeon, kokanee, and you name it).

I love this site, and hope that you do too.
Hey thanks for the welcome, I am hoping to meet good people and share good-times with many memories tDavidandMichele191.jpgo follow. sorry for the kitchen pic didn't have my camera with me.
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Ha ha ha! Of course we do. I guess that you haven't poked around on here much...cuz there are headings for both of those species.
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