New builder testing at Walling Pond

Hi every body,

New to O.F.F.

I have been fishing in Dallas /Salem area for better part of two decades chasing mostly trout.

however decided to start building my own lures (mostly small ultralight spinners) because;

A. I'm a do it myself type and,

B. I'm a family man and therefore CHEAP! ha ha.

I have the advantage of working within five minutes of walling pond and intend to test lures during lunches.

Im using an ugly stick 4' 8" ultralight and light spider wire braided line

SO i Could really use info on the following; colors, patterns, locations to take four boys (9-3 months).

posted picture of a couple early lures for critique.

Welcome to OFF, those look great, can't help you with that area but lots of folks on here that can... cheers, roger
thanks for reply rodger
Unfortunately, Walling Pond attracts a ton of sketchy people and they leave behind some nasty lil surprises like syringes. For what it's worth, in my opinion your boys would have a better time and be safer at Walter Wirth. It is just past Walmart and also has a park with a playground if you walk or drive across the bridge. It's also stocked frequently. Be sure to take a couple loaves of cheap bread or bird seed to feed all the ducks, seagulls and geese. Just be aware they can be a little intimidating.
raincatcher you are a so grama lol excellent point.
I intend on using walling for testing and lunch break sanity fishing lol.
you are too right a lot of ... ya those types there reminds me why i got a chl along time ago.
that being said is there a perfered spot at walter worth. though i would prefer to teach them on some of the smaller rivers and streams
any body know of a good spot for kids up fall city way before you hit a gate or a short walk (think toddler strides) beyond.
You came to right place! They look great. Welcome to OFF!
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newspin said:
raincatcher you are a so grama lol excellent point.
I intend on using walling for testing and lunch break sanity fishing lol.
you are too right a lot of ... ya those types there reminds me why i got a chl along time ago.
that being said is there a perfered spot at walter worth. though i would prefer to teach them on some of the smaller rivers and streams
any body know of a good spot for kids up fall city way before you hit a gate or a short walk (think toddler strides) beyond.
There are a couple fishing docks at Wirth, but I always had luck right by the line disposal. I suggested Wirth because of the varied entertainment. I hope you don't expect any of them to fish for more than 12 seconds at a time without being bored or distracted. :thumb: As far as smaller streams and rivers, make sure you check the new regs before you venture out. Nothing ruins a kids' day than watching Daddy get a ticket. :sad:
thanks for positive feed back.
ya my youngest fisherman (2) loves to fling a willow branch with bobber and string "more fishing daddy"
my middle son (8) changes lures every five minutes (read here "dad changes")- he's my cheap lure kid (sir snag a lot)
Oldest (9) is the king of the birds nest but wants to fix it himself,
I think they over loaded his ugly stick at factory, planning to switch him to braided (fixed his last pole).
all love to fish and have been since middle son was 4 and youngest was a twinkle in my eye lol.
our youngest is chilling with dad or mom in carrier smiling and wide eyed (3 months)
mama loves to fish as long as catching happens lol.
first couple years were rough but they are growing into great sportsmen.
Welcome aboard Newspin. Making your own IMO; is fun. I read Jed Davis's book, back in the early 80's ("Spinner Fishing for Steelhead, Salmon, and Trout" - the oregon "Bible" on the topic). Then made some all black spinners, in size 3. They had black bodies, black blades, and a piece of black tubing that I slid over the hookshanks.

First time out...BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! I C & R'd 4 Fall Nooks on the Siletz, in just a couple of hours. You might try all black. They work best, for me, on cloudy/rainy/overcast days & low/clear water conditions. They may work, for 'bows smaller sizes...even size zero, in small streams.

It's a bit further, perhaps, then Fall City. But the Yamhill system, is now open year round. Also now open year round, is Rickreall Creek. The same is true, of the Luckiamute drainage. I could show you 2 spots, on the upper Little Lucky, that is great for kids. Easy to get to; and fish. Send a PM, if you like.

Tight lines, TD
They re-open Rickreall to adults, thought i saw sign in dallas park closing creek to all but minors a year or two back?
That would be great for quicky trips.
Where on rick do you recommend feel uneasy about thought of kids feet and broken off tackle in the park.
Rickreall would be open, up to the gate at Dalton Rock quarry. But, you are allowed to hike in & past the gate, to go further upstream. I will send a PM, to a friend, who grew up on that stream--and ask him, to help on here.

City Parks, I suspect, could have their own regs--so I'd pay attention, to any such signage. And obey it. But the whole stream is open, according to ODFW's regs.
makes sense, ya we used to hunt the reservoir.
and fished it once for bass as a kid withy my dad.
it could be nice to fish it again with my kids very nostalgic.
Ive lived on or around rickreall and luckiamute systems my whole life.

So heres just a bit of info on both if you are looking to fish those streams.

Rickreall unfortunately in the past 4 years has gone downhill with low Warm water years.a lot of the trout have either died or left. The creek in town or any lower i use to catch upwards of 20-30 cutthroat a day on flies and spinners and spoons.

I have not caught a trout in that section of creek in 3 years. However, the creek does still have fish. There are fluvial cutthroat,l which are larger migratory cutties most valley streams get.there arent a lot of them,but they are in there.when the water is cold and up enough you have an okay chance.

Upriver where jay mentiond it is hike in only has also been severely impacted,but that water still holds some resident trout in addition to the fluvials and has lots of good water.there is lots of posion oak in this area so be cautious. The reservoir remains the best fishing in the drainage by far and has plenty of fair sized cutthroat,though the size average is smaller than a few years ago. If you fish the reservoir or creek be aware there are adult and juvenile coho salmon which are protected and must be immediately released unharmed.

The little luckiamute above the falls is good fishing for numbers of fish,but not for size. Most fish average 6-8 inches and those are adult spawning age fish.bive caught fish to 14 inches here but theyre hard to come by.little luckiamute runs fast and clear all year,and the water is cold.but i have found this stream does not fish very well with can expect maybe a handful of fish,and thats a good day with lures .because of the crazy big hatches that happen year round and the fast shallow water it is way more effective with a fly.

There are new regulations in place for both streams,please check the 2016 reg book for them, and dont forget to turn in poachers. These are both very special watersheds.

And as far as spinner colors go, i dont lure fish anymore im a fly guy, but my experience is black or blue body with a silver blade is great for spring and summer,and i really like silver blade and a pink,orange,or chartreuse body in the wintertime. The blue body is a standby because cutthroat are predatory and like baitfish a lot.

Good luck and happy fishing.

Feel free to send me a pm if you have any more questions on these places.
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Waler Wirth is nice, they have catfish that you can fish for at night as well as trophy size trout stocked OFFten.
Tight lines
brandon4455 said:
If you fish the reservoir or creek be aware there are adult and juvenile coho salmon which are protected and must be immediately released unharmed.

There are new regulations in place for both streams,please check the 2016 reg book for them, and dont forget to turn in poachers. These are both very special watersheds.

Glad you saw my, Facebook PM Brandon. Thanks, for chiming in. Especially with, the notes above.
This forum seems good crew glad to be apart.

tried my hand at powder painting last night wow did i underestimate how tough it would be

well worth the money for sure hopefully can assemble and test today :thumb:
brandon and td you guys are awesome.
so here is my pink prototypes magenta.jpg

learned two things pliers leave gap even after bake curing and bullet weights need more heating then other parts.

now does any body know a trick so you can get wire hanger out after cooking

almost forgot got 20 each. size 1,2 treb would love to trade for smaller size 6 down treb hooks or for blades,bodies, etc...
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Thank you. It's my pleasure to help.

I buy my components, and then assemble. So I don't do any powder coating, cooking, etc. I can't help you, with that. But maybe someone else, will chime in.
ok so first test trip (25min)
one massive hit on lure on the far right in pic otherwise nada
not bad figuring my back up rod had a busted end (son pole lol)
realised my lures little on light side but will see how they do when hung from my ugly stick ultra light ha ha
Great Thread....

Great Thread....

What a great Thread, this is what OFF started out to be... helping and teaching... Good on all you involved in this thread...:thumb:

its official I'm a lure geek just scored a 1000 brass bearing beads for 3 bucks
can't wait for shipment to get here
Troutdude - took your advice and I'm putting together some black lures just wish i had black powder paint and tubing lol.

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