Need some ideas!!!!!!

Hey y'all,

Looking for some ideas on where to go fishing on Wednesday. i just joined the forum this morning. Ive been checking out the website for awhile now and finally decided to join. Don't know why it took me so long. Any who, i really want to get out and try and rip some lips tomorrow (STEELHEAD OR SALMON). I haven't been able to go out in a few weeks because the misses has had me to busy around the homestead and that lovely thing called work. Just seeing if u guys and gals had any ideas. Ive heard and read that the sandy is doing OK but, i haven't had to much experience over there besides cedar creek for coho last year so I'm not to familiar with the area. Any ideas or suggestions would be great. Well I'm really excited to be a newbie to the forum. Hopefully I can make some new fishing buddies and trade some great stories and pictures soon. THANKS AGAIN AND TIGHT LINES:D
Welcome stiktime, I also am new to OFF. I really dont have any Ideas I stay east of you on the N.santiam most of the time cuz I have no wheels at this time. Good Bonks too ya.
Well hello santiam sailor.

I actually thought about maybe heading up there tomorrow. How has it been on the north santiam. I haven't fished that river in a year or so. Thanks
To star welcome to the forum.
Can't say for sure but I have been hearing that the clack has been picking up a little, and yes that the sandy has been doing pretty good as well. I haven't been out in a month myself but have been hearing things though. Good luck hope you get in to some fish.
N Santiam

N Santiam

Ive been doing a little fishing on the n santiam, but thats because I live 5 minutes from it. theres a few people fishing here, but not much action yet. Id try the clackamas if your close to it. If you do decide to try the santiam, Id try down low around the jefferson boat ramp, or greens bridge. Theres just not many steelhead up high yet. good luck whatever you decide. Brian


Not much going on on the north fork. The hatchery on Alsea is doing ok, a few bright fish mixed in with boots galore. I've heard rumors of fish on the nestuca up high by elk creek, and some cruel rumors that the trask and wilson got a shot of fresh fish.
The Wilson got in more of the Broodstocks that decided to show up a month late. Big fish that are voracious on 4-10's. Not a bunch of fish entered the system, but they are on the move, and eating aparantly.
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