My endorsement for the Kastmaster.

Ok, I admit that I have not been fishing for very long, but The last nine keepers I have had have been on 1/4 oz Kastmasters. If you like lures, try one. I have been eating well!

They are a proven standby. Nice distance when cast and trout love 'em!
It's my favorite lure!!! Gold especially, it has produced almost all my trout this year, and one's of 3 and 7 pounds at Hagg Lake
New color...

New color...

Have you tried the new Gold w/red...dynamite...and like was said; they cast for ever:cool:. I caught my largest Steelhead on a 1/4 oz. Chrome with Orange Trout fishing on the McKenzie...what a rush.

I always carry a few with me and they certainly catch fish--especially when you need to get out to specific spots. They can be cast far and accurate. I go to the chrome/blue or the gold.
I agree- I have never understood why fish bite on what is essentially a shaped piece of metal, but they do. I remember one winter at Detroit lake when I caught a baby trout that was the same size as the 1/4 oz KastMaster that I was using.
Same here- I always have good luck with kastmaster, I usually use 1/4 or 3/8 oz chrome and orange or chrome and blue, my wife loves the gold with trout colors, I have even outfished people using powerbait throwing my kastmaster! Acme's little cleo is a great lure as well!:cool:
I haven't really given a kastmaster a good try... will do maybe tomorrow at hagg lake! Good thing I just picked up a 3/8 oz silver/green!

very secret... dick's sporting goods at the washington square mall is selling kastmasters for 1.48 for a 3/8 oz green/silver and another kind for 2 cents (yes two cents!), but the two cent-ers were out of stock
FishSchooler said:
I haven't really given a kastmaster a good try... will do maybe tomorrow at hagg lake! Good thing I just picked up a 3/8 oz silver/green!

very secret... dick's sporting goods at the washington square mall is selling kastmasters for 1.48 for a 3/8 oz green/silver and another kind for 2 cents (yes two cents!), but the two cent-ers were out of stock

WOW!! what a deal I wish I lived up there... not really worth the gas to drive, but I could always use more kastmasters...:(


I love them, they cast a mile and cover lots of water.
best $4 i spent all year was on a 3-pack of 1/4 oz. kastmasters. gold, silver, and silver/blue.
smashed the heck outta those 15+ inchers at salish ponds.
Just had some luck with a gold 1/4oz at Hagg Lake this evening. Caught a little rainbow with it... threw him back for another day. Thanks for the pointers!
I have also found that a company called South Bend makes a version of Kastmasters but are a little cheaper and work just as well. I have found them at Fred Myers.


Okay,I am clueless on the technique of using the legendary
Do you reel them in slowly,medium speed or like a bat out of hades? Really dumb you use any bait with them? I went and got half a dozen after reading the posts and tried them at Brietenbush with a big skunk-a-roony for the day. I was obviously doing something wrong. Maybe my grandson,Ethan has the best idea...stand on the bank and chuck rocks at 'em trying to "konk 'em!" :shock: :lol: :lol:
Thanks kindly fisher folk...;)

Be safe.
Raincatcher said:
Okay,I am clueless on the technique of using the legendary
Do you reel them in slowly,medium speed or like a bat out of hades? Really dumb you use any bait with them? I went and got half a dozen after reading the posts and tried them at Brietenbush with a big skunk-a-roony for the day. I was obviously doing something wrong. Maybe my grandson,Ethan has the best idea...stand on the bank and chuck rocks at 'em trying to "konk 'em!" :shock: :lol: :lol:
Thanks kindly fisher folk...;)

Be safe.

i've used em all those ways. Usually, just a steady, medium speed retrieve works well. It depends on the bite though, sometimes i will let them sink to the bottom then retrieve, sometimes a fast retrieve, this keeps it just under the surface, sometimes use an intermittent retrieve with random jerks to imitate injured fish. They all work depending on fishing conditions. I would suggest you cast where you can see your lure and reel watching to see how fast or slow your reel needs to be cranked to get the best swimming motion, then go from there. Also I have put a bit of powerbait on the hook in a almost triangle shape to entice fish when they were not biting and it worked, so all these methods work, usually kastmasters are effective with just a steady retrieve. Once you watch the lure in action you will see how closely it resembles a fish swimming.Hope this helps:)
Hmmmm I must not be as much of a "Fishin' Magician" as my dad calls me. I always have a handul of Kastmasters on hand, and have fished them regularly. Not a single fish, not even a bite. Maybe my retrieve is too fast/slow? Then again....I've never had much luck with lures....
Kastmaster + 26" Trout = Food!

Kastmaster + 26" Trout = Food!

Redfox458 said:
Hmmmm I must not be as much of a "Fishin' Magician" as my dad calls me. I always have a handul of Kastmasters on hand, and have fished them regularly. Not a single fish, not even a bite. Maybe my retrieve is too fast/slow? Then again....I've never had much luck with lures....

Once again, the Kastmaster does it's magic!

Caught this monster the other day on Olallie Lake!:dance::dance::dance:
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Okay.....I saw that picture, doesn't look like photoshop to me.....I think I'll go down to my local sporting goods store and max out my credit card on kastmasters. I only have a few, guess I had better stock up!
i caught 1 little bass on one today. i knew some people that swear by them so i bought 1, all i could afford. was hoping to get some trout with it, but they weren't seem to be biting at all today and i got to Applegate lake real early. caught a few bass on spinners and one on nightcrawlers, i seen some fatty bass but couldnt them to bite anything, and by the time i got to that spot it started to get warm.
Redfox458 said:
Okay.....I saw that picture, doesn't look like photoshop to me.....I think I'll go down to my local sporting goods store and max out my credit card on kastmasters. I only have a few, guess I had better stock up!

Nope! No Photoshop, and I haven't been eating pixels!
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