my day at hagg

well my buddy and i went ot hagg today and we fished from 8 am to 7 pm.... my buddy caught all the trout and i caught the other two lol... the biggest being 14 inches and the other two just a tad smaller... what a great day at hagg, hell i do not care i caught trout as long as my buddy caught, i had a great day...
we were on a boat, my buddy caught one of the trout back there by the concession area and the rest were caught by the damn, using worm and pb
thanks TB .... we caught a few of those, but since i did not catch a trout, i wanted to show the wife what i caught, so i kept them, she always complains that we only catch trout out of hagg lake and so i felt the need to prove her wrong lol


in my book the gills are better eating, but they do not jump. any fish that does not jump is a second class fish IMHO
What, she doesn't like trout? Or does she think you're picking on one species too much? :lol:
my wife does not like trout lol .... she loves catching them but heck with eating them.... hell i do not for me i have never ate blue gill and i do not know how they taste...


gills are the best fish you have never tried, having grown up in the middle of oklahoma in the 50's and 60's, all we had was bass, perch[sunfish], and bullheads. yes, they are bony, we scaled and gutted and fried the whole fish, and very carefully picked the meat off of it. hopefully, there was plenty of fried potatos because there was never enough fish!
You have been missing out on some very good eatin... Blue gills, Crappie, and yellow Perch are some of the finest eating fish you can catch. Despite the fact Blue Gills are a very hard fighting fish especially on light tackle....
I caught several nice 8" gills out at Hagg on Labor Day. They don't clean up too badly, and if you give them a cornmeal or panko dusting and some spices you get a great tasting treat. The meat is white, very light and flaky.
:think:you just need to learn to fillet them 'gills and then you can enjoy what you are eating instead of working for it. true it is a tedious job, but with the right knife it sure beats trying to scale and gut the lil buggers, and you don't lose enough meat to worry about. I use a small Rapala/J.Marttiini fillet knife with the 4" blade, works great for delicate jobs, like all my perch, crappie and 'gills.:dance::dance:
We used to catch them ICE fishing in Montana and fillet them and make fish and chips. Great little fish.



yeah but,,,,,the skin on the gills have a peppery flavor that is unique, if it is just for one or two it is worth it
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