Must go fishing, must go fishing, must go fishing

This is pretty much what goes through my head all day while working. It makes earning a living difficult sometimes. I'm trying to figure out a way to combine my occupation and fishing together. So far I got nothing. It seems accounting and fishing aren't closely related. Bummer.
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Find someone to pay you to carefully and accurately count fish. (btw how does your fiance feel about all this fishing? You could find yourself walking a tightrope once wed.)
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Not a bad idea. She's not a huge fan but she tolerates it. We'll see what happens after the wedding.....
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Noahk said:
Not a bad idea. She's not a huge fan but she tolerates it. We'll see what happens after the wedding.....
this reminds me of the joke why is a bride always smiling when she's walking down the isle...................
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Noahk said:
We'll see what happens after the wedding.....

Before we got married, my wife used to fish with me all the time. After we got married, she hasn't fished with me once. I asked her why one time, and she replied that she didn't really like fishing all that much, she just did it so we could spend more time together. Now that we're married, I guess we spend all the time together that she wants :)
Still waiting for halibuthitman's punchline... or is it not suitable for a family site?
I would like to finish the joke... the last words rhyme with the last roe hob... you pickin up what im puttin down?
Lol. Nice.
Got it. "Nuf said.
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