Metolius recommendations?

Blue Lines

I’m planning on camping a night on the Metolious this Friday (10/7) on my way back from a work trip. I’ve caught bull trout on the middle section before, but have never fished it this time of year and on this trip I’ll be camping on the upper river which I hear has smaller but potentially more forgiving fish. I don’t need bulls on this trip, and am happy with anything I might be able to land in that river.

Any advise on how to connect with some fish this week? Daytime highs look to be in sunny in the 70’s with lows around 40.

Thanks in advance!
I saw your topic just a bit too late. I love the Met but it's always been a high risk, high reward river for me. If there's a nasty snag of sticks, that's where the fish are.

I'm probably heading over there this weekend if I can scratch togethersome fishingbuddies.

Curious how you did/ what you learned?
I saw your topic just a bit too late. I love the Met but it's always been a high risk, high reward river for me. If there's a nasty snag of sticks, that's where the fish are.

I'm probably heading over there this weekend if I can scratch togethersome fishingbuddies.

Curious how you did/ what you learned?
It’s a fantastic time to fish it! I was on the upper river and while I didn’t see anyone else get any fish I did have some luck.

Common thought is to nymph or fish dry/dropper rigs, however the real action I got was on dry flies this trip (targeting redsides). I think the dry/dropper rigs are too difficult to successfully control on this river (for me, at any rate). I did get a couple tiny fish on nymphs, but caught a larger trout on a dry and had a monster on that broke free right as I was bringing the net down (5+ minute fight, he tossed his head as I brought the net over and broke the tippet off on the net).

Here’s what was best for me- Dry fly action mid-day, with size 16 mayfly imitations or emergers. October caddis were hatching but the fish weren’t paying attention yet. As you said, pay attention to structure, the nights are cold (mid-30’s fri night) and fish seemed to be holding in slower water. Use a 12-14ft 6x leader, and I had the most luck on my glass 4wt (underlined to 3wt, but that’s another story). The lighter line really made a difference with presentation and prevented spooking these fidgety fish.

These recommendations are pure gold and should NOT be overlooked this time of year.

Glad to see you got some fish in while working the top column. Lord knows that's a tough enough task on that water.
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