McKenzie Summer Steelies

Went up to the Leaburg hatchery yesterday. The summers are coming in. There were about 30 or so in the trap and several in the stream before it. I talked to a guy that landed 2 over the weekend and I saw a guy lose one while I was there. Think I will head up this evening and see if I can hook up.
Fished for a couple of unsuccessful hours today. I did see 2 fish caught next to me and another one lost.

Do you fish thelong flat just below that little rock jetty? And then there's shallower riffles a little more downstream? Usually whever gets that spot on those rocks does very well.
Do you fish thelong flat just below that little rock jetty? And then there's shallower riffles a little more downstream? Usually whever gets that spot on those rocks does very well.

Yes I fish the flats. Usually from the hatchery down through the flats and back up.
You know if they were hooking em on shrimp? I wish you could still fish those huge boulders way down stream on the same side of the river. I used to do pretty well there before the a$$ hole that owns it kicked everyone off. That guy used to come down to the river completely naked hootin and hollarin tellin ya to leave. I mean stark naked. What a weirdo...:lol:
lol wow. Never had the pleasure of that scene (Thankkkkkkk god). Did have a similiar experience though with some drunk naked hippies up at deer creek....This was before I knew there were hot springs up there. Scratched that stretch of river off my fishing list.

I want to get up the river tuesday and give it a go, I've been a jig tying fiend and want to put a few on my tag with home tied gear. Surely the water level's come down since the last time I was up there, I'm sure it's still up, but it's always crystal clear. Pretty sure I have to work, but I'm going to try to take off early and fish it in the afternoon/evening. I'd go up there this weekend but Odell is calling.
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