Mapleton again

pretty sure me and jeanna will be on the river somewhere. maybe bfishin will be oy with us as well. as of now i think we will be fishing up from bridgeport and down from tiernan. wateing for the conformation codes to deploy a chinook kill order.
Went to Florence and fished the high tide from old town up to the railroad bridge. Caught a coho as soon as my lead hit bottom. After almost losing a hand to a sea lion we netted the fish to unhook it and released it on the other side of the boat. Silver 1 Sea lion 0 Only saw one small jack Chinook taken. It was still nice to feel the tug from a fish again.
If you are fishing the Mapleton area try shrimp and eggs under a bobber. Look for others employing the same tactics and follow their lead. This method works best when the tide is slacked. Good luck
was out there today, put in at mapleton. Saw numerous chinook given the good ol' wood shampoo. Almost exclusively on sandshrimp and a float, but at least two were taken trolling spinners behind flashers. The fish are there for sure, they were rolling all over the place...taunting us. Tomorrow, they die.
was out there today, put in at mapleton. Saw numerous chinook given the good ol' wood shampoo. Almost exclusively on sandshrimp and a float, but at least two were taken trolling spinners behind flashers. The fish are there for sure, they were rolling all over the place...taunting us. Tomorrow, they die.

I wonder if it got rough enough while you were out there, you would be able to rig up your sippy cup as a float? You wouldn't miss it if that monstrous thing went down.
I wonder if it got rough enough while you were out there, you would be able to rig up your sippy cup as a float? You wouldn't miss it if that monstrous thing went down.
LOL Doubt it :| but I'm gonna beat you with it one of these days, want to go fishing so i can test it's effectiveness? lol (Oh and my trout was bigger, maybe it was the luck of the want one, stop lying to yourself).
LOL Doubt it :| but I'm gonna beat you with it one of these days, want to go fishing so i can test it's effectiveness? lol (Oh and my trout was bigger, maybe it was the luck of the want one, stop lying to yourself).

Luck of the cup? You're right! It was luck of the cup...... for me. I watched a grown woman climb up a small cliff in a matter of 2.3 seconds all because of a little teeny tiny snake down 4 feet in the water. Yeah..... That was luck.
LOL! Whatever. I'm agile like that! That snake was freakin' huge dude, and it was swimming FAST. FAST I TELL YOU! You were like 20 feet away, you didn't see it properly.
Ya you probably did...for all I know it was your own personally trained snake arsenal. Trained for that purpose, and that purpose alone.


One day, I'll get you back...somehow.
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