Low water, fish still moving.

Banged out a couple decent days on the river this weekend. Water has been super low, and it has been keeping people home, at least around where I have been. Boated Saturday and Sunday, saw one boat on Saturday, and no boats on Sunday, pretty incredible. 1-3 sat, and 3 for 3 today, I came away with a chrome 8lb hen, and a hot 9lb hatchery buck, and the smallest steelhead I have ever caught, almost thought she was a large trout at first, but she has spawned out and is on her way back to the salt.

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Did water temp go up from what it has been.. Even in low water if it's been cold that will get them going agen
Man I fished the alsea and the north fork today and there were fish jumping everywhere but no takers. Couple hits but nothing stuck. Those fish were definitely on the move. Half an half chrome vs. Colored up.

Nicely done!
The heat is on, thats for sure. I was hoping for more of a rise to help get them in gear, but they didn't need it. Did get some nice color in the river.
nice fish!!!

i got a little one to take a spoon today in low and clear water. but high up in the river. it was probably 20" non fin clip, had to let it go.
The little gal I got today was pretty beat up, I think shes been in the river for a while, few soars and dings. Couldnt lay off the yarn ball though.
the one i caught was awesome looking. looked like a really brite rainbow trout. had to be a winter fish.

this was on the rogue river just fyi. where i fished :D
I had a feeling it was the Rogue... probably caught it on a spoon too, huh?:cool:
exactly....! this is my first year fishing the river. and spoons are working great!
Good job..I am headed back to the Siletz tomorrow and you had given me hope..I know I told you I wasn't going today but ended up putting in on the local river at noon...Went 2 for 3 and did a lot better than I expected...
Thats awesome Bill, sometimes you just gotta go! I hope you do good on the Siletz, it got a bigger bump of water then down here.
Throbbit _Shane said:
exactly....! this is my first year fishing the river. and spoons are working great!

Ive fished the Rogue a few times, never higher than Galice, and mostly through the wild and scenic section, which in my opion is not a easy place to fish, atleast it hasnt been friendly to me, all super deep.
Yeah and I only had to drive 8 miles...LOL We was careful with the Nates up here but I did get a pic of one...Care if I post it here? Beautiful fish being that far up ...
RunWithSasquatch said:
Ive fished the Rogue a few times, never higher than Galice, and mostly through the wild and scenic section, which in my opion is not a easy place to fish, atleast it hasnt been friendly to me, all super deep.

im fishing a spot about 7 miles from medford.... so its pretty far up the river.
Bill, I need you to post your pic, I want to see some fish!
You asked me about the river here a while back..They are holding back now and it is summer level...

I didn't get a pic of the big buck , 13/14 pounds or so..He just didn't cooperate so we put the pliers over the side and popped him off...This purty hen though wanted her pic took...

That is a pretty fish, knowing how many miles shes got on her, looks like a coastal fish. Looks like shes plenty ripe in the belly too. Nice day over there. Im gonna have to see where I can pencil in a trip.
It should just get better up here ...Last year when the coast was dying it was good here...Good numbers are coming over the falls now also...I keep a close eye on that..LOL

So when can we expect another report??You going out soon?
Im watching this next batch of rain, I like to fish a rise. Ill be out tuesday,wednesday, and maybe thursday in the AM before work, then probably somewhere friday in the boat... then im being FORCED to go troll for springers sunday.... gotta pencil the wife in there somewhere :think:

I imagine though tuesday wednesday are realistic, the N. Fork is tough on the soul when you can see your yarn ball floating through a slot.
Definetly love the low, clear water. Picked up a couple nice fish last trip out. One fat hen was laying in the white water at the head of the drift just like summer steelhead do.

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