Lost Lake Nov 2nd

Long story short, Lost Lake isn't the easiest to get to but hardly lost. At first I tried turning up August Fire Rd. from Hwy26 but got no more than 60ft in before I encountered the first obstacle my 4-door sedan wasn't going to get around. There was a tall bump on the left and a deep ditch to the right, and I can't afford any repairs on my car so I backed up and opted for one of the other ways in. So around to Lower Nehalem Rd. and headed for Nehalem Shores Dr. only to be greeted with locked gate and private property signs. On I continued to Lost Lake Rd. which did in fact wind its way up to Lost Lake, and while narrow at times was in really good shape and posed no problems what so ever. Just keep your eyes open for oncoming traffic, as the area seemed quite heavily traveled with hunters and other fisherman this weekend.

Once at the lake, there's a small parking area right where Fire rd turns off of Lost Lake Rd and a gate a very short ways up from there. Walking down Fire Rd I saw plenty of trails going down to the lake but the majority of people appear to go towards the narrow area in the middle of the lake where there's no shortage of shore access, which is also where I ended up going.

The fishing was fantastic, while the catching was abysmal. I had probably a grand total of 5 strikes this afternoon, with only one of those even resembling a hookup. With all 5 on spinners, none on worms. That's not to say there aren't fish in there, all day long I saw fish rising and jumping out in the middle of the lake, and even at times maybe only 1.25x outside of my casting distance. So I'd mark this down as a must visit for those fly fishing anglers who own one of those fancy pontoon boats :). Other than that the entire lake is ringed with fallen timber and the water is quite clear, making it an enjoyable experience, one in particular I plan on repeating.
In addition the trail head for Bloom Lake is shortly before the turn off to August Fire Rd. and is a hike I plan to do in the near future.

Lastly on that narrow section at Lost Lake there were tons and tons of these mushrooms. I know nothing about mushrooms, so I have no idea if they're edible or not, but in case you do know they are, you now know where some are.
That looks like one beautiful lake, how long is the drive?
FishSchooler said:
That looks like one beautiful lake, how long is the drive?

From Hillsboro it was a bit over an hour, maybe more because I wasn't watching the clock on the trip there after being thwarted on coming in the way I had planned.
Lost Lake

Lost Lake

I also had trouble with this lake. I tried lures and bait, but nothing worked. Fish were rising all over the place

Then I switched to a bubble (flycaster), 3 ft of light leader and a fly and "jigged" the fly. While, the fish were very small, my luck changed. It seems flies are the way to go there. Maybe if I go back, the fish will have grown up a bit! :D
I am a fly rodder, and yes, you can catch the hell out of rainbows in this lake. I don't take pictures and I don't kill fish. Maybe the karma lets me keep catching them.
Long story short, Lost Lake isn't the easiest to get to but hardly lost. At first I tried turning up August Fire Rd. from Hwy26 but got no more than 60ft in before I encountered the first obstacle my 4-door sedan wasn't going to get around.
To come in from the east you have to turn off earlier on the Quartz Creek Mainline, about 2.6 miles before August Fire Rd.
Webwader said:
To come in from the east you have to turn off earlier on the Quartz Creek Mainline, about 2.6 miles before August Fire Rd.

and man can you get turned around easy, coming this way. I've ended up in some strange places in that woods.
I know what you mean Cake, but my GPS keeps me on the right track.
Webwader said:
I know what you mean Cake, but my GPS keeps me on the right track.

Never been around one. Gettin lost sometimes shows you a new way of gettin places. Been doin it for 66 years.

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