Lookout trout 1/30

watchout trout
Yesterday Nimrod243 and I decided we had better try Lookout for the first time. I recently got an electric trolling motor for my diamond back drift boat, so we had to try it out. 1st off I have to say, this is a beautiful res. Great views. I fished a wedding ring with a worm with a 2 ounce weight and flashers. I'm guessing about 45 ft deep. Nimrod fished an orange Dick Nite spoon with just 3 split shot in front. We started off slow but he picked up a rainbow about 11 inches. Then I got slammed by a 15 1/2 inch rainbow. Just a beautiful fish even though it had an adipose fin clip. Then Nimrod caught 5 salmon. He let one go, too small but got his limit of nice fish. I caught one salmon. Biggest was 12 inches. Thanks to everyone for sharing info about this place. I'll try to get Nimrod to post pics. I love oregon fishing. Tight lines. wt:D
sounds fun. just so you know they dont stock lookout so any clipped fish tummbled down from upstream. why doesn't lookout have its own thread zone.
That's what I thought. When we netted the fish I thought for sure it was a nate. Coolest hatchery trout I've ever seen. Thanks for the info. wt
Pics of trip posted by watchout trout

Pics of trip posted by watchout trout

Really enjoyed the day on Lookout! I also want to thank those who have shared the info that made our trip a success. We are so blessed to live and fish in Oregon!






Him bite my line him die!
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Nice! Love the pictures to go with the report. I thought I was the only one doing sink pics after trout trips. You should look in the anounce section.
Great job guys. I really need to get my boat going.
TTFishon said:
Great job guys. I really need to get my boat going.

eah you do whats going on with it? need any help?
I thought I was the only one doing sink pics after trout trips
Well, we may have got the idea from your posts. Delicious little fishies! wt
good report and awesome pictures. i really want to fish this lake, probally gonna try it out once i get my pontoon.
Thuggin4Life said:
eah you do whats going on with it? need any help?

Half of the problem is me. I need to install a new ignition switch and charge the battery that came with the boat. I need to figure out the oil to gas ratio then see if the motor runs. Then make the boat legal and get my boating license. Actually, posting this kind of helps me to remember and to get my but in gear.
Do the course online if you get stuck google an answer and there is a Q&A site that has all the questions and answers allready and there are several packages to get it varying in price. Get that switch installed. Most likely 50:1 call clemens and have them double check just get the model/serial #'s off the motor. If the motor runs and you have your card take her out for a spin. Don't you have a small craft you can use for now?
Thuggin4Life said:
Do the course online if you get stuck google an answer and there is a Q&A site that has all the questions and answers allready and there are several packages to get it varying in price. Get that switch installed. Most likely 50:1 call clemens and have them double check just get the model/serial #'s off the motor. If the motor runs and you have your card take her out for a spin. Don't you have a small craft you can use for now?

I have my pontoon. My boaters registration for my boat just expired and I'm not going to re-up it because I want to sell it. How much does that test cost? The switch shouldn't be too hard I just need to do a little fabrication to make it fit and a non rainy day.
think ill prob go there this weekend. nice change of pace since the coastal rivers should be blown out this weekend with all the rain where suppose:think: to get. might take the big jet sled out and see what my top end speed is, then come back to shore and troll, ive got 3 extra seats avaliable if anyone wants to tag along? shoot me a pm

has anyone tried where the willamette meets the lake yet? or can you fish that portion? water is prob to cold
I wish I didn't have to work this weekend or I'd take you up on your OFFer. I was wondering how well the fishing is where the river enters too. Be careful when running full board. I have seen whole trees floating in the middle of the lake.
No matter what lake you go to- don't EVER go to where the river comes in to catch fish. ALWAYS a waste of time.....................................;)

Oh- and be sure to check the regs- many lakes in the wintertime have incoming streams which are CLOSED to fishing- and the kicker is...... the defining line between stream and lake is CLEAR AS MUD! You can argue with the cop about where the line is, but what he says goes!!! What a system.........

Jim (I don't know the regs at Lookout)
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Especially when the lake has dropped moving the river way downstream compaire to normal levels. no way there are any fish in there with the water being lower and colder.;) I would man but think I will be too busy and after riding in you boat I could bring myself to fish out of mine again.
Thuggin4Life said:
Especially when the lake has dropped moving the river way downstream compaire to normal levels. no way there are any fish in there with the water being lower and colder.;) I would man but think I will be too busy and after riding in you boat I could bring myself to fish out of mine again.

yea thats right, with the snow melt and all, the water would be colder where the river would come in ie fish would be sluggish and no chasers... ill deffantly troll towards the dam for sure
Nice catch and NICER boat! My dad used to have a Diamondback. I miss it, and wish that I would've bought it from him. :doh:

Lookout sounds like a great and under used fishery. Glad you had a good time.
Thanks troutdude. I couldn't be happier with my diamond back. I just got it last spring and it has opened up a whole new world of fishing for me.wt

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