Line size for kokes

I'm going to pick up a lightweight koke pole. What size and thpe of main line and leaders foes everyone use. I like using flashers want to make sure the line will hold up but not be too heavy
I like an 8 lb. main line, with 6 or 4 lb. for leader.
That still holds up to fenders and is it still sensitive enough to feel the bite. I also should ask what type of line people use
i have been using 10 and 12 lb main line and 8 lb leader. if your trolling mono will work fine, if your jigging, you might want something without any stretch, they are very light biters. Ive been using pline fluoro for myy leaders, but any lo vis will work. Brian
Charlie_merrifi said:
That still holds up to fenders and is it still sensitive enough to feel the bite. I also should ask what type of line people use
Any specific brands. And is leader line different I've always just used a normal lighter weight line
any of the bigger names are pretty good. I dont use the offbrand bulk reels like bi mart and walmart carry, but any line will probably be fine. and if your talking about the mini leader spools, i dont buy them, use the left overs from your mainline spools, its way cheaper that way, Brian
Charlie_merrifi said:
Any specific brands. And is leader line different I've always just used a normal lighter weight line
I personally prefer to use braid. I know, most people like to use mono, but for me personally braid is where it is at. I am using 10 lb power pro on all of my rods right now. It has the diameter of 4lb mono and doesn't have near the line drag of 8 or 10 lb mono. The reason that I prefer braid is simple, the line has no stretch so when a fish is on, it is immediate and when that fish is large which is usually the case, I can tell what is going on at the end of my line. With mono, you have major line stretch so you loose half the fight and prolong the battle to boat the fish. The longer the fight, the more likely the fish is to throw the hook. Another reason that I like braid is because on fish up to 14" I don't use a net. I bring the fish straight in and at the last minute, I just launch him or her right into the boat. That means when the action is hot, I have my line back in the water quicker and more fish in the boat. With mono when you go to pull the fish into the boat at the last minute, you get major line stretch which for me means the fish usually bounces off the side of the boat or with the stretch coming out of the line like a rubber band, propelling the fish over the boat and into the water on the other side. Talk about an OSh*t moment...
How visible is it. And do you use it as leader as well
Kokanee are not line shy as a rule. The only place that I have found kokanee to be line shy is in Paulina Lake. I run a small chain swivel at the end of my line with a duosnap. The duo snap clips onto the dodger. My presentation of the minute clips onto the dodger. The leader length depends on the presentation.
But you still use braid. I may use mono I use the same pole for planter trout too
why would I want to catch planter trout instead of kokanee? Little to no fight and poor eating compared to great fight, excellent eating. Seems kind of simple to me... As far as catching trout, I have caught lakers, browns and bull trout on the same lines I use for Kokanee so I don't see the rub

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