Let the Ho games begain.

Set out today to find some Ho's, not as many out there as would hope to find yet but they are out there though. Did some hiking and did some wading, a good amount of both. Manage to get this little 24" buck to the banks, he fell for some eggs under a bobber. Like the tittle says let the Ho games begain.
More then worth the wading and hiking, always fun to get out and have fun and everyone knows I do all the time lol. So nice to get some Ho's at the start of the run though when they are this fresh. Eating part of that fish right now and OOOHHHH man good fish for sure lol.
You got the skunk today? Man I'm sorry, pulled this one of the sandy though wasn't on the water you were. Did you at least see any though?

Saw one, but covered a lot of water. The one I did see was tucking under a rock after a few casts at it. Spent most of the day pulling a tree branch out with a bunch of gear, mostly mine, outta the hole. Gonna be nice with that thing gone when the fish come in good
Saw one, but covered a lot of water. The one I did see was tucking under a rock after a few casts at it. Spent most of the day pulling a tree branch out with a bunch of gear, mostly mine, outta the hole. Gonna be nice with that thing gone when the fish come in good

I think I know exactly what hole you are talking about to lol. Half that gear is mine man lol There should be a few lines with fish attatched to them on that branch to lol

FF it was good seeing you guys out there to. Sorry you didn't have the best of days today. Yeah we got in to the fish we got after we left you all and went down river and did some more hiking and wading lol
It Happens! I had fun playing with that Big Dark Buck though! It was fun fighting him downstream then releasing him. I hope it rains soon and they start running again.lol It was fun getting out there.
I think I know exactly what hole you are talking about to lol. Half that gear is mine man lol There should be a few lines with fish attatched to them on that branch to lol

FF it was good seeing you guys out there to. Sorry you didn't have the best of days today. Yeah we got in to the fish we got after we left you all and went down river and did some more hiking and wading lol

lol do u run black yarn?
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