Largemouth are still shallow.

old basser
Couldn't get on the lake until the afternoon. Still picked up six largemouth. Light rain and almost no wind. Good conditions for fishing. Almost no other people fishing. Probably had enough sense to stay out of the rain. Anyone interested in a fishing partner?
Headin out there tomorrow early am with a buddy and my son. What area were you fishin? Any particular baits? Caint wait to set the hook!!!
Fish the coves along the grass line. Try soft baits or a top water lure. I have caught a few on crank baits as well. Went fishing today with my grandson and got five. Although one was a misguided trout Must have been a carry over from last year because he was about 13 0r 14 inches long.. Good luck to you and post what happens.
Remember bass limit on Hagg is 1 fish per day anyone get smallies?
Have there always been largemouth there? I have never caught any.
Yep, always. They're only shallow around the spawn, then they retreat for deeper waters.
Speaking of limits, I hope most of you practice catch and release for the bass. The trout of course, are restocked on a regular basis, but the bass are not. The guys I fish with never keep any bass unless one has been severely injured and is unlikely to survive. With the fishing pressure a lake like Haag lake receives the bass need all the help we can give them.
Quite a few, in fact on Haag lake the smallmouth population is much greater than the largemouth. this is only my second year fishing this lake, but I normally catch more smallmouth. Once the spawn is finished the largemouth will be more difficult to connect with since they'll be deeper, holding on some type of cover or structure. If you haven't tried the new sidescan sonar units you'll be amazed once you do. Good luck out there.
Ok. didn't think the weather was going to be so bad so off we went to Hagg for some bass catchin. Ended getting soaked and skunked on bass. Got one little trout and a large bluegill.
Time to go, started truck, pulled out boat, shut it off to go pee and secure boat.....then damn.....fuel pump died. Kind bass boat owner gave us a lift to Gaston.

Soakin wet, cold, no fish, dead truck........STILL beats workin!!
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