Kingsley Reservior/

I think I might be heading up to kingsley reservior with some family in the next few days and was wondering what fishing is like up there? I've never been there before, but I know my uncle does well on spinners up there. Any information will help. thanks
Fishing is usually good- they stock LOTS of fish in there. It's a very small lake and less that 20ft deep at the most. I usually troll with woolly buggers when I go there.

The hardest part of going there is the noise from all the ATV's and motorcycles- they flock to that place!

Good luck!
Man, I love that place...grew up campin there. Fishin too. There are other lakes/reseviours that fish well in the area. Been quite a few years since I have been there tho. Worm on the bottom near the dike. The drainage creek that leads to another res. had good fishin too.
_livelyfe_ did you ever make it up there? How was it?

I've been interested in making the trek to this lake since last year when one of our other forum members brought it up but I just haven't had the chance to yet, so I'd love to hear how you did.
I did make up there but didn't do to well. I only got one on a worm, the fish was deformed it didn't have a nose. There were a few fish jumping here and there but they all seemed small. There are a lot of crawdads and i pulled them in occasionally.
Cool, even if the fishing isn't hot I'm excited to hear about the crayfish as I've got an unused trap I still need to try out. Thank you!
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