Just made this...video.

Messin around on the pc tonight and got a little carried away maybe. I can't tell if it turned out good or not, but I get a kick outta it thats for sure. Hopefully you guys can get a few laughs too. Some of the words actually go with the pictures:lol:. Enjoy...?:lol:

Dude that rocks! nice work and great song never heard that one. Fun to see those smiley faced kids having a blast too takes me back to the early days with my Dad.
Dude, what did you do? This guys stops me on the way to work and goes:"Hey, aren't you that guy fromt that video on that thing with the broken rod? ehe ehe!" I had to give him an autograph and all! :cool:
Dude, what did you do? This guys stops me on the way to work and goes:"Hey, aren't you that guy fromt that video on that thing with the broken rod? ehe ehe!" I had to give him an autograph and all! :cool:
Well, I thought without you, the piece was incomplete!
:clap:Good on you for showing love to the fans!....:whistle:

(shoot i didn't even get an autograph:confused:)

(:DI did snatch the rod tip like it was a flying drumstick at a Metallica concert though:yay:)
that songs sweet i got it set for when vhrome chaser calls me lol.. i used to have it for when everyone called but people looked at me weird when phone was goin off and was screamin fish ooonnn fish ooonnnnn
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