Is my rig heavy enough?

Howdy all,

I was wondering if my steelhead rod/reel set-up is heavy enough for bank drifting for Chinook in the Sandy and Clackamas.

I have a 8'6" shimano rod - fast action, medium power, rated up to 1oz and 17lb test. Spinning reel is Shimano Symetre.

I currently have a spool with 10lb test on it, and a spare with 12 lb.

Should I respool with 15lb., or is my rod too light?

Just fine

Just fine

The average chinook up the sandy and clack are 12lbs. If you feel more comf. with 15 lb. test respool, as far as rod reel are conserned you are plenty heavy. I use a 10-20 # rod, has mucho power for these guys. Just make sure you use a quality line such as maxima. Your current rig will also do coho with ease, a little light for fall chinook but have caught numerous big fall fish on lighter gear..just go to 20# on your line...your rod will handle it as well.
I have put hundreds of Clackamas Springers to the bank with a couple 8'6" medium action, 6-12 Lamiglas sticks. I use a fast action for Steelhead, but that is more of a preference thing. You should be fine with what you have now. And 12 pound main is usually fine, but from the bank 15 is a good idea.
A am with AA on it your set up is fine I have used a 9'6" lamiglass with 12 pound mono for springer on the clack and sandy for as long i can remeber. but i think the longer rod gives me A little more leverage and the ability to use a little liter line. and still aplie maximum preshure. wether it is true i dont know but i lov how a 9'6" fishes . but i did grow up on a 8'6" fishing 12 pound maxima ultra green weather it was on springers or fall nooks or steelhead i evan killed my biggest nook ever on that set up a 68 pound fish on the smith river in north calliforna but that set up is all they use down there. but wih that being sed if you set your drag rite and play your fish you should be fine. as long as you are not fishing over some of the shelfs that are on the clack and rubbing your line up . i would say if you are confident in your abiltiy to fight a fish you will be fine. now if you are fishing in hi water or a hole were you dont have the bank room to chase the fish than 15 mite be a good idea. good luke Dan
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