Im going to Benson lake in the morning

whats the best bait to use out there,and what size are they ,do they get big?

The best bait for me personally through previous experience are orange powereggs with glitter. last week they stocked some pretty good sized ones. My uncle caught a 17in. It was pretty big.
I was there about 3 weeks ago on a sunday and bonneville hatchery dropped off a bunch of lunkers in there. I was using a gold spoon from my float tube. Me and my buddy got our limit in less than 1/2 an hour. After that it was catch and release. I was there a week later and nothing was biting, even though it was supposedly stocked with 4000. I went over to the other side ( Hartman Pond) and caught my limit.
i think thats if your baitfishing, there should be no problem c&ring wit it??? im not to sure, i dont keep many fish
Once you have kept the daily bag limit, it is then illegal to continue to fish. It does not matter how you caught them (bait vs. lure).

If the limit is 5, but you have kept only 4...then, you can continue to fish. But, as soon as you've kept fish #5; the reg's clearly say you must then stop fishing.

You cannot continue to "only" catch and release, past the fifth kept fish. That is still illegal. It is all determined by how many fish you have kept and are in your possession (ODFW uses the word "retained").

You'll find the actual law on pg. 8, line item #14 under General Statewide the 2010 reg book.
ya thanks for the info td didn't think anything of it, guess i never have a limit on me....and when it comes to steelhead my day is done when i get that keeper
You're welcome. Just don't want to see anyone get a ticket/fine for it.

BTW, can't you keep 2 or even 3 steelies a day in most places? I don't think you need to stop w/ just one, unless that's what you want to do.
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