Illegal and unethical forms of fishing!

Thats what i was thinking!.. i wish i would have known better i would have calle don those douches so fast. Bah.. me and my new to these waters excuses sh*t
ahh yea i saw some of those douches they raft down with a bunch of friends and carry spearguns but most the fish i saw down the rivers were suckers
808state said:
what are the regulations on spearing in the river? i saw these two retards spear fishing steel head at Mciver and i wasn't sure.. seems illegal to me but they were doing it with a bunch of people around so i thought it was okay-ish?

If they were spearing steelhead it's illegal, if they were going after the suckers it's perfectly legal.

If you look in the regulations in the table that spans pages 8 and 9 you can find all the important details.
In Soviet Russia, Fish snags you!
Some good information here...:hi:
"Nymphing" for chinook on a flyrod comes to mind.

Over the last couple of decades, I've seen some pretty disgusting displays on the Poor White Trask.
DrTheopolis said:
"Nymphing" for chinook on a flyrod comes to mind.

Over the last couple of decades, I've seen some pretty disgusting displays on the Poor White Trask.

I hope your not one of those guys who call "dredging" or drift fishing using a flyrod nymphing or even flyfishing...
I should have mentioned I was is no way denigrating "real" fly anglers -- no issue there.

RThe guys I'm talking about are usually below the hatchery, don't think they're using weights/drift setups, but they fish the shallow riffles with a nymoh (might as well be a bare treble), and it's nothing more than flossing with a flyrod. Big long leaders, covering the entire run, bank-to-bank.

And no offense to the true, ethical fly swingers, but generally once this time of year rolls around, I cringe every time I see someone with a flyrid heading to a meat-hole or any other major hatchery river. The percentage of ethical anglers with flyrods at these places (particularly the Trask) has got to be well under 5%. Again, I know the folks posting here on OFF don't belong to this category, so no problems here. I'm just sayin' that many of the horribly unethical snagger/flossers have been toting a flyrod. I've also met many salt-of-the-earth purists with flyrods, as well -- not trying to pigeonhole fly anglers at all.
808state said:
what are the regulations on spearing in the river? i saw these two retards spear fishing steel head at Mciver and i wasn't sure.. seems illegal to me but they were doing it with a bunch of people around so i thought it was okay-ish?

808state said:
Thats what i was thinking!.. i wish i would have known better i would have calle don those douches so fast. Bah.. me and my new to these waters excuses sh*t

Really? "Retards" and "douches"? Why don't you just go for the Triple Crown and start tossing the "n*****" word around, too?
BlueWater said:
Really? "Retards" and "douches"? Why don't you just go for the Triple Crown and start tossing the "n*****" word around, too?
Relax,man. That issue was taken care of years ago. :flex: 808state was reprimanded and urged to find another forum, which he did soon after his posts here. :hi: Oh, by the way, if you or anyone ever dares to use that language (n**etc.) on this forum, you will never even see the Super Cyber Blaster coming, you will simply evaporate.
Flossing (form of snagging) to me is one of the most wicked illegal methods.
Reason being, unless you know what to look for, an experienced flosser can do it amongst legal anglers undetected.
If he hooks up he will lead the fish away from others so they won't see that it's hooked outside the mouth.

With flossing, there is absence of willful take.
Flossers/snaggers don't care about learning how to fish and they will never know the thrill of the bite.
Some flossers will even go on fishing forums and try to announce that flossing is a legitimate form of fishing !
DrTheopolis said:
I should have mentioned I was is no way denigrating "real" fly anglers -- no issue there.

RThe guys I'm talking about are usually below the hatchery, don't think they're using weights/drift setups, but they fish the shallow riffles with a nymoh (might as well be a bare treble), and it's nothing more than flossing with a flyrod. Big long leaders, covering the entire run, bank-to-bank.

And no offense to the true, ethical fly swingers, but generally once this time of year rolls around, I cringe every time I see someone with a flyrid heading to a meat-hole or any other major hatchery river. The percentage of ethical anglers with flyrods at these places (particularly the Trask) has got to be well under 5%. Again, I know the folks posting here on OFF don't belong to this category, so no problems here. I'm just sayin' that many of the horribly unethical snagger/flossers have been toting a flyrod. I've also met many salt-of-the-earth purists with flyrods, as well -- not trying to pigeonhole fly anglers at all.
That's funny!! :lol: Lots of people here in the coast as soon as they see a fly angler, they think as snaggers!! I think most people just don't like fly anglers because they catch fish when other methods don't!! I know there is some people who snag fish with fly rods but most of the fly fishermen I know are the best in fly fishing!!
To reiterate - I have no beef with fly anglers whatsoever. But go down below the Trask Hatchery in fall and tell me there's any ethics whatsoever. They're snagging every fish that comes through the riffle. Then again, if a person is looking to surround themself with ethical anglers, the Trask is a wonderful place to avoid.
DrTheopolis said:
To reiterate - I have no beef with fly anglers whatsoever. But go down below the Trask Hatchery in fall and tell me there's any ethics whatsoever. They're snagging every fish that comes through the riffle. Then again, if a person is looking to surround themself with ethical anglers, the Trask is a wonderful place to avoid.

The Trask? really? any river in Oregon that drains into the salt is scandalous for its first 30 miles..
DirectDrive said:
If he hooks up he will lead the fish away from others so they won't see that it's hooked outsi

I can honestly say that at least 75% of the time when I have foul hooked a fish the person im fishing with has openly stated that I should keep it.. and I have NEVER in 31 years ive been fishing had a gear or plug guy suggest I release a foul hooked fish if it was in the head, never... even once... in 31 years, and Ive fish with a lot of people.. from all walks of life.. rich or poor, never underestimate the the reasoning abilities of a fisherman.. unless you don't know the guy next to you who foul hooked... then a screaming goes across the sky. I could not agree with you more, I agree with every single statement in your post.. but please don't overestimate the honor of most fishermen, it is only in a crowd these are crimes.. but in lonely drifts.... I can't believe the suggestions Ive heard . This is why I typicaly fish alone.. and just let everything go-
halibuthitman said:
I can honestly say that at least 75% of the time when I have foul hooked a fish the person im fishing with has openly stated that I should keep it.. and I have NEVER in 31 years ive been fishing had a gear or plug guy suggest I release a foul hooked fish if it was in the head, never... even once... in 31 years, and Ive fish with a lot of people.. from all walks of life.. rich or poor, never underestimate the the reasoning abilities of a fisherman.. unless you don't know the guy next to you who foul hooked... then a screaming goes across the sky. I could not agree with you more, I agree with every single statement in your post.. but please don't overestimate the honor of most fishermen, it is only in a crowd these are crimes.. but in lonely drifts.... I can't believe the suggestions Ive heard . This is why I typicaly fish alone.. and just let everything go-
I actually wasn't addressing most honest fishermen, just wanted to point out how clever some flossers can be.
We had a serial flosser on the NFL who educated me (by observation) about their clever techniques and I thanked him by turning him in.
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halibuthitman said:
I have NEVER in 31 years ive been fishing had a gear or plug guy suggest I release a foul hooked fish if it was in the head

I've never kept a foul hooked fish. Then again, tossing hardware rarely foul hooks any.
This is a great old thread. I'll admit I love catching a fowl hooked fish. I love it when quite by accident I hook a big ol' tule right above the dorsal fin. It makes for a fantastic fight, the fish has his head and can really put his sholders into the run. Even a smaller fish can seem like a lunker when hooked in this fashion. Of course those fish don't get put in the boat and are released but dam it can be fun. Again these fish are accidental hook ups. It's even fun when swining a soft hackle on a fly rod up on the Crooked and you get a dorsal fin hok up. It can turn a 10" fish into a monster fish. I think a fowl hook in that area allow the fish to point his tail at you and run. I release all my fish on the Crooked River I catch so it's all fun to me. I guess the difference is the intent I never intend to dorsal fowl hook a fish that would take some real skill.
DrTheopolis said:
I've never kept a foul hooked fish. Then again, tossing hardware rarely foul hooks any.

Of course you haven't, I have.. back when I was much younger and wanted to get a fish at any cost, ive matured a great deal since then. I have foul hooked dozens of steelhead on hardware and hundreds of salmon, its very hard to swing a spinner through a hole on the situk that has 60 steelhead in it and never hit one in the rudder or keel, and trying to roll a spoon through a slot with 30 silvers and 100 humpys can be a challenge as well.. I foul hooked 2 summer steelhead in the lower jaw while fishing waking flies just this summer, and couldn't even count the number of dolly varden I skull capped trying to swing morish flies for spring steelhead on the Buskin and Karluk rivers this year.. hungry little devils, Im sure most of them died. I fully accept the responsibility and fact that my catch and release fishing probably results in more dead fish than a catch and keep fisher.. I bet ive foul hooked a 1000 humpys while rainbow and dolly fishing in my life-
BlueWater said:
Really? "Retards" and "douches"? Why don't you just go for the Triple Crown and start tossing the "n*****" word around, too?
Per Oregon fishing Forum Rules you are given this warning for you being found in violation of Rule 1.1.

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