I smell dead skunk..

I finally landed a steelhead this morning! albeit native and small (18"), it was still a rush on my ultra-light with #8 line. Just as soon as I got him to the bank and somewhat stable, I went for the camera and I guess he wasn't in the mood for pictures because he took OFF with my all black #3 spinner. So, that was about 6:15, then at around 7 I hooked up with something much, much bigger. Unfortunately, that fight lasted about 5 seconds until it spit the hook. I continued to drift shrimp under a bobber for the next couple of hours, until some neighbors came down and totally jacked my spot. This is a private property hole on the clack, and I didn't want to make any enemy's so I called it a day.:cool:
Great to hear man! Next time you'll get one for the BBQ! were you in the fast water, or the deep pool?

Troutier, I was talking to your skunk just the other day, and he doesn't plan on going anywhere :D
Great to hear man! Next time you'll get one for the BBQ! were you in the fast water, or the deep pool?

Troutier, I was talking to your skunk just the other day, and he doesn't plan on going anywhere :D

I caught the little nate in the shallower still water fairly close to shore. That's where all the action on the surface was at first light. The heart pounding hook up came from the faster deeper water just up from the hole. I almost left with a new rod, I was snagged on what I thought was bottom so I palmed my spool and pulled and it let go, but I could tell that I was still hooked to something. Then, as it came to the surface the long cork handle poked out, but my hook let go too soon. Maybe next time, cause it seemed to sink back down kinda fast. Must have a high dollar reel on it;)
Think about it this way Troutier... If you really are carrying a really uber stinking skunk around, you wont have to share the fishing hole with others! :lol:
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