How's the Wilson fishing?

thinking of driving westward this weekend... anyone have any idea how the wilson is fishing? (jay, any input here?) :D
The last time I was out there it was really low. There are still plenty of fish in there, I say give it a go! Just get there early before the sun hits the water or late after it's started going down. Some rain sure wouldn't hurt!
encouraging... knew you'd come through, bud. above or below blackjack?
Blackjack would be a good starting spot, then work your way down. At the blackjack hole go up past the narrow stretch, there's a decent riffle there that I'm sure has a few fish in it. I can't remember if its by m.m. 17 or 18 but the mouth of Jordan Creek is another good spot. And then 1/4-1/2 mile past m.m 14 you'll go over a little bridge over a creek, right after the bridge around the corner a little ways is a pull off, pull off there and then fish the mouth of that creek there. Good luck!!!
So, Ninja, How did you do on the Wilson? I have been down a couple of times in the last few weeks and caught only small stuff. It's still fun on the 4wt or ultralight gear and with barbless hooks its easy to let them all go. Largest was a 12" cut and smallest was a 1.5" smolt. It is hard to believe those small smolts will hit a lure as large as they are!

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