How's the Crooked River.

Hi gang, what's the word on the Crooked River below Prineville dam these days?
I moved to Utah for 5 years and now back. Since every blue line in that state holds fish, I did a lot of Fly fishing. Now I'm back here and my ol' boat buddy is gone, so I'm not fishing exclusively on a boat for big game anymore. I used to hit the Crooked but heard it dried up, and or may be in high flow now. What's the word on the river, would it be worth my time to drive out and fish it or should I hunt out a new river? I live near Scappagoose and would like to find more local water, but will hunt as time passes. I like small streams and like to run my 3# 7'6" rod.
As of May 6th:

Crooked River: Crooked River is high. It’s come down, but still running at 1490 CFS and muddied. Fishing opportunities diminished for the near term. Could bump back up in a week with the next warming trend a week or more away in the long range forecast.

ODFW announced “pulse flows” on the Crooked starting April 17. The message reads ““The USFWS and NOAA have decided to release some water from Bowman Dam next week as a smolt pulse to help steelhead smolts move downstream. We’re trying to let as many constituents know as possible to help minimize inconveniences. The pulse flow will start on April 17 where they will slowly increase the amount of water released throughout the day to ramp up at an appropriate rate. The full 250 cfs pulse will be released all day on the 18th and 19th, and then will slowly be ramped back down to base flow on the 20th. We are uncertain at the moment what base flow will look like at that time since OID has indicated they may start releasing irrigation water on the 17th. Irrigation flows usually average about 200 cfs so the total amount of water could be anywhere from 250 cfs to 450 cfs.”
Last I saw on the internet it was 1200+ and Prineville Res was 100% so what comes in will go out plus the Res was muddy,,,haven't been out there tho so 2nd hand info
I was up there last Saturday. High water and muddy. The Crooked is always off color, but even for the Crooked it is loaded with silt. There is a lot of water coming in from the snow melt upriver above the dam. The good thing is the reservoir is at 100% capacity, the first time that its has been that way in two years. In time the river will return to normal.
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