Howard Report

On my southern oregon tour I got out on Howard for some trout. I was pleasantly surprised to limit out along with 2 other people in under 2 hours on Sunday morning. A great bite for late july. I had so much fun I stuck around and went back out monday morning with another 2 people and we gave a repeat performance! :D
Geez, and I thought I had a good week hookin up three steelies, but for cripes sake man...You have hooked what, 150 or so fish ths week...HMMM you are slayin 'em Chuck, makin me jealous. Congrats for sure man!:clap: What were you usin for bait/lures? Trollin lures maybe?
haha... we were using the evil ol' power bait. Typically we would troll lures but the stinkin 4"-8" bass just attack those every 30 seconds at this time of the year. I sure would like to catch 3 steelies though!!!! I think my biggest fish was 14"
Howard Prairie report

Howard Prairie report

Launched just before daylight on Sunday morning. Weather was cloudy and cold. Fired up the heater and tossed in the trolling stuff. We went about 150 yards out of Klum landing towards the west end of the island, Steve hooked into a nice 13 incher and we worked that area around the bouy between Klum and the island.
We both caught and released a bunch making out limit as we went, keeping the really nice ones. We put the boat on the trailer at about 10:30 and visited with "Uncle Doug" of 'Fishing Oregon Lakes' for about 45 minutes, while he was waiting for his brother to arrive. WE were back at the house by12:30 and I had plenty of time to get to my grandson's football game at 3:00.
Thank you Lord for great fall fishing and football!
Fishing & Football = Great Day

Fishing & Football = Great Day

Way to go doublestrike! Thanks for the report. Any chance you have some pictures you could show us? Just thought I would ask before Troutski did.:D
This morning Steve and I launched at Klum Landing just as the sun peeked over the treetops. We were both using Panther Martin Lake trolls and started catching fish right off the bat. He had put on Rainbow power bait and I tried some Rainbow Candy powerbait. We both had fish on within the first 5 minutes of getting on the water. I figured it was time to try some of the stuff in my "Care Package" from a friend. I put on the silver/red troll and hung a 3/8 oz weight on it and it worked nicely, with 'yellow' power bait. We trolled around the floating restroom catching and releasing 10 to 13 inch fish till about 9:30. We decided to try the north side of the island and deeper water. We added more weight and went deeper, but the bite had died and only a few hits here and there, but no hookups. I changed to several different types of gear, and hooked up with a Vances 'Little Slim Willie' flasher and 1/2 live worm, but the fish self released at the boat, and that was heading south on the east side of the island. We worked the area around the floating restrooms again but nothing, and gave in at 11:30, packed everything up and came home. The water temp was 55.3 when we launched and 56.9 degrees when we took out. The breeze had come up about 10:15 blowing from the south.
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