How to pee on a boat

So ladies, we've all been there...on a boat chugging coffee, soda, rockstar, whatever and unlike the guys peeing off a boat, we have to hold it till we get to shore or try one of those stupid funnel things.

I've figured it out.

I have no problem with the idea of peeing around guys, the problem for us is that we have to expose so much in order to make use of a bucket. This means a show for everyone on the boat, bank and neighboring vessels.

SO...I got a $6 poncho at Fred Meyer. I need to pee, I put in on, make sure everything is covered, squat with the bucket, drop trou and take care of bidness.

This has completely eliminated the stress that normally accompanies nature's untimely calls.

And seriously, I don't care who else is on the boat, if I gotta go and I've got a cover, I'm taking a leak.

Sorry, no pics :lol:
that is cool, i like when a woman can do her thing, my wife laughed at me when i brought home the suzy adapter for the johnny bottle and told me to get real! Fishing should not have to include pulling anchor and running to the nearest outhouse!
Man, I made endless fun of my mom when she got the "pee pee tee pee" or whatever it's called to go pee in the boat. I normally can hold it during the winter, i'm not drinking fluids, so I can go dark to dark with my bladder of champions. It's during the summer when I run into problems while trying to stay hydrated because I get sick quick when I'm dehydrated and it spirals into misery fast, so I drink as much as I can...and the champion bladder...not so champ, but I hold it until I feel like crying lol. I don't think I can pee under a poncho with the whole waders and other people in the boat....eventually my bladder is gonna say enough and i guess i'll have to invest $6.
Nice fix!! Dont think Melody will do that though...but might. It was suggested by CP when he was with us once for her to use the livewell lol!! I would be curious as to how other women anglers have solved it too because going in during a tourney would not be good....thankfully Mel is a real trooper about it but anyway to make it easier would be great.
Bobbi, I've been using the "poncho potty" for a couple of years. :D Sorry, I thought I shared it here. Autofisher laughed til he was purple in the face until we were down by Oaks Park and he had no cover...then he turned purple for another reason...
Just found this site and topic. We are now land locked as we sold our boat a few years ago. We used to spend a lot of time on the boat which was a eighteen foot Starcraft. Basically it was six seats a canvas top and a windshield. There was no plumbing on the boat.
When on the boat an i had to pee I did it over the side. I got some TP then with my back to the side of the boat I pushed my jeans/shorts and panties to my knees and sat on the back of my legs on the side of the boat and peed.
Finished I wiped tossing my used TP in the river. As I stood up I pulled my panties up followed by my jeans/shorts.
Be sure to hold on to the boat so you won't fall out if the boat rocks
Hope this helps out any other girls out there
regardless who it comes from, I think it is best to collect pee in a wiz jar and keep it in the boat for disposal back on-shore. same with all trash, whether ziplock bags, food wrappers, or used TP, it should be collected up and disposed of on-shore.

as for TP, the Wilderness minimum impact guidelines now recommend that hikers should bury their waste (at least 100feet from water), collect the TP they use and carry it out with their trash. used TP should be discarded in the trash or a toilet/porta-potty. period.
We used to make "Piddle packs" for use when the ship went to General Quarters. Take a gallon ziplock bag and add one unused sponge (the kind that are dry and compressed and "grow" when they get wet. Pee in the bag, then when you are able dispose of the piddle pack.

At General Quarters you can't move about the ship to get to the head (rest room).

Use the poncho with a piddle pack and you also have a place to put your used Toilet Paper.
What about the Shee-wee. This would solve the issue of having to squat over anything. Plus if you added a trucker hat and a fake moustache one would blend in well to the other guys doing the same routine.
I have a FUD, aka a female urinary device. I can pee on trees and the whole nine yards (quickly learned about the behavior of splash back when peeing over rocks while standing). I got it for backpacking because squating in the company of others isn't awesome. PLUS....I can pee into a gatorade bottle in my tent at night, and not get eaten by a prowling cougar looking for a snack taking a leak. It's similar to the one monty posted. It's pretty discreet, I mean other than the stream of pee being expelled. Then I just stuff it a ziploc bag with another ziploc for my TOILET PAPER, because I believe in Leave No Trace (as everyone should), and leave nothing behind.

I still refuse to use anything like this for fishing....I have a bladder of champions and can go 14-16 hours without going if I plan appropriately.
Problem solved for ladies or guys tossing soiled paper into our waters.

About $15...

It's been years ago now but one day we were out on the boat and were anchored My husband was fishing but hadn't caught anything. After a while I had to pee and went to pee over the side.
I was just pulling my panties up when my husband had a fish on the line. He says it was because I just peed in the river

Our house overlooks the Columbia River. In the summer time there are lots of small boats out there. At Salmon season there are hundreds of boats anchored off our house. It's quite common to see somebody go to the side of their boat and pee in the river. Both guys and girls do it.
Once I noticed a guy empty a small porta potty in the river from the back of the boat. Green chemical pee TP and all.
Lots worse than my little pee and TP

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