Homemade clay beads

I am going to make some beads here pretty soon. I am thinking of starting with size 10mm and 12mm. I am thinking as far as colors go a few solids and a few two color mixes. I am in the Mt. Hood region anyone out there have any good color combos you think I should start with?
Pink would be a color I would use :) The fish seem to go for it. Very cool that your making them yourself.
If anyone has interest I will give out some if they turn out well. I will do a batch of straight pink and pin/purple with and without a blood dot. If anyone is willing to get some free beads in the mail and then let me know how they work I will hook you up.
I would be interested in trying them. Just caught this girl and a few of her friends, with my go to, cotton candy pink 10mm. (Craft store white bead, painted with finger nail polish)
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I use purple crackel fingernail polish on corkies Tony
Pinks, Oranges, Purples, w/ or w/o white yarn seem to be the most popular.

Ok cool just keep you eye on the thread I will post some pictures next week.
Will do. Thx Tony. Never thought about using purple beads, tho I do use a lot of purple and pink jigs. Will have to give that a try. Love the looks I get while shopping for finger nail polish. :D
What are do you live in? I'd gladly pay for a few to try. :-)
I am in the Mt. Hood area.
I would love to try some :)

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Hmm, have you tested the durability in water? I'd think clay wouldn't hold up to bouncing off the bottom for very long. I'm curious to see how they work out

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I have not tested it yet but its popular back east and I have heard good things. I will be making a batch here in a few days. You are actually making a clay bead (color of whatever) baking it much like jewelry and then spraying it with a spray clear enamel. I would imagine they are not ass durable as say plastic but I will most certainly be submerging a bead and leaving it in water and seeing how long it lasts.
A big part of the success with using plastic beads is the neutral buoyancy. If you drop a bead in water and it sinks immediately those are not the best. The ones you want float on the surface when you first drop them in and if you give them a nudge they will slowly sink.
Dizzy Fisherman said:
A big part of the success with using plastic beads is the neutral buoyancy. If you drop a bead in water and it sinks immediately those are not the best. The ones you want float on the surface when you first drop them in and if you give them a nudge they will slowly sink.
This is why I hate glass beads

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Don't forget that hook weight affects bead presentation. A very slow sink is what you want. Good luck.
It really depends how you are fishing a bead IMO. If you're draggin', you want a more neutral. If your running a float, with appropriate weight set up, it doesn't matter AS much....
The purpose for this specific bead or ones like (hevi-beads) is from what I understand is to fish short/fast/deep water the idea is that the sooner the bead gets to the bottom the longer your bait (bead) is at the depth of the fish. I am not trying to pretend that I am a pro I just did some homework and found similar products. There seem to be plenty of people fishing them, I wanted to make my own because of boredom and I can't fish right now.
Look fishy to me. :thumb:
Still have some extra beads if anyone is interested in some free stuff. All I ask is that you give me a little feedback.
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