Hitting the water with lilsalmon


I finally got to enjoy a day on the water with one of my favorite fisher folks. lilsalmon and I met up at Packsaddle and had a great time. She was flicking flies for steel while I pitched gear at trout. I haven't gotten my steel/salmon tags so I was targeting the squirts. :lol: I was so excited to get out for the second time this year that I grabbed the wrong rod. It is a collapsible rod that belonged to my granddad. Unfortunately,I didn't see the duct tape on it until we got to the water. After half dozen casts it bent where it was "repaired"...:( . It now resides in the back of the closet where it will be safe from further harm. We didn't have any luck with the fish,but, we had a great time talking and laughing. After a few hours we decided to head to the Stayton bridge for...blackberries! They were fat and juicy...and at the top,in the middle of the patch! We managed to get 3/4 of a gallon water jug filled for Rose to put on her ice cream. :D Next time we will grab a piece of plywood to use as a barrier/safe pathway to the berries.
Thanks Rose, I really needed time on the water,but,more importantly,sharing laughs with a good friend is the best way to spend any day! :clap: :lol: :lol:
Sounds like it was a great trip, even if you ladies didn't get any fish. Glad you got out on the water Barb!! :D

Take care

great to see you 2 get out and enjoy some time on the water,,,,,,HEY those are my blackberries keep your hands OFF:lol::lol:
It was a great time......it was good to get out with you again and fish. We will have to get back there and do some serious fishing. Thats a nice spot. Thanks for cutting your water jug up to use as a bucket and thanks for helping me get the berries. Plywood would have been perfect. Going to make some cobbler this morning....yum.
It was a great time......it was good to get out with you again and fish. We will have to get back there and do some serious fishing. Thats a nice spot. Thanks for cutting your water jug up to use as a bucket and thanks for helping me get the berries. Plywood would have been perfect. Going to make some cobbler this morning....yum.

I had a dream about it last night...:lol: we had one of those portable staircase things like the airports have for the airplanes. :D We cleaned them out!! :lol: :lol: :clap: Cobbler,huh?...yummmeeee! Enjoy! ;)
Conclusion: Rose really likes Ice Cream! :lol:

Glad to see U2 enjoying yourselves. :cool:

Band aids, think band aids...:(
First time in awhile I hear Barb had a fishing rod in her hands. Nice of both of you to get out. I guess since it was Barb then it is ok for Rose to share our past campfire stories with her. But remember Rose....what is said around the campfire stays around the campfire.:naughty:;)
I had a dream about it last night...:lol: we had one of those portable staircase things like the airports have for the airplanes. :D We cleaned them out!! :lol: :lol: :clap: Cobbler,huh?...yummmeeee! Enjoy! ;)

I still like the idea of a crane and dangling over the top and getting all those lush ones.....I get the crane....hehe.

First time in awhile I hear Barb had a fishing rod in her hands. Nice of both of you to get out. I guess since it was Barb then it is ok for Rose to share our past campfire stories with her. But remember Rose....what is said around the campfire stays around the campfire.:naughty:;)
What campfire :think::doh:
I was refering to some of the content in some of our conversations from the last few camping trips. Don't you remember? I would be banned if I repeated some of it here online.

Sure, of course I remember...how could I not....Jim, I was playin dumb....you want that I should draw a picture......:D
I was at the bridge with bigsteel yesterday......still a ton of blackberries....no fish for me....so I picked about 20 blackberries and then a huge spider ruined it for me.......yeah, I hate spiders....give me snakes, rats and such any day.
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