Hitting the Sandy this morning.

I'm going to try my luck on the Sandy this morning, and plan on being at the Garbage Hole, possibly Dodge then downstream towards the L&C. I will be driving a silver Honda Civic with a bumper sticker on the back that says CAR BOMB. If you see me out there, say hello!

I have never caught a Steelhead yet. Maybe today will be my lucky day!;)
Go get 'em!

Go get 'em!

Give 'em hell,man! :clap: Once you get your first one,you won't stop plotting and planning for the next one. Just be sure to come back and let us know how you do. Good fishing to you.


Well, I made it out to the Garbage Hole around 8AM, and fished there until about 12:30, and caught nothing. I tried Corkies & Yarn, Floats & Jigs, Steelies, and even a spinner. No bites. I also saw a few others out there, but nobody got anything but wet.
there has been quite a bit of rain over the last few days, how did the water look? If the upcoming weather reports are correct we should be in for a drying spell for the balance of the week.

I'm crossing my fingers for the end of the week.
Overall, the water looked pretty good, but the river was pretty high. I need to hang out with someone who knows what they are doing...
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