High water Chrome!

Went out on the 16th went 1 for 3. I Love the High Water Chromers they attack and fight with a vengeance! Got hit by all 3 on my Eggs again! Landed the Smallest one. I have to Thank my buddy for screaming "turn the fish point your rod tip upstream" cause I froze with rookieitis when it slammed me and headed for the rapids. If I did not listen too him I would have went 0 for 3. hehehe! The fish inhaled the eggs all the way down. Sorry had to take the pic at home after a 8 mile hike!. When the Chromer came out of the water is was mirror brite.


Like I said buddy I still have osmos voice in my head every time I get a good runner like the whole time
with that Nate down steam and just me and u around heard him saying keep that tip upstream
Like I said buddy I still have osmos voice in my head every time I get a good runner like the whole time
with that Nate down steam and just me and u around heard him saying keep that tip upstream

Like I said I was glad to hear you screaming at me! It turned quick after I turned the rod! I have never been slammed using Eggs like that before! That battle you had with that big Nate was epic and went on forever! You definetely have the fast water fishing down man! Thanks again Brother that was a blast!
Like I said buddy I still have osmos voice in my head every time I get a good runner like the whole time
with that Nate down steam and just me and u around heard him saying keep that tip upstream

Nice fish freak!!!!:) I think you used that trick YB is talkin about last year on the Clack?:D:cool: TIS THE SEASON!:dance:
Nice fish freak!!!!:) I think you used that trick YB is talkin about last year on the Clack?:D:cool: TIS THE SEASON!:dance:

Yep I remember PMin a certain Metalfisher76 and asking him for advice on how to land the Big Springers cause they kept schooling me downstream. You told me point the rod tip upstream and when u get a real big one point it upstream and put the tip in the water. That is how I landed my 1st 20lb Springer in front of 2 full guide boats. I do not know what happened I know better I just froze like a school girl when that Steelhead gutted the eggs and ran.lol Youngbuck just had to remind me what to do.lol The people on this forum have helped me unmeasurably this 1st year of mine and I appreciate everyone putting up with all my questions and giving me some excellent advice. Thanks again Brother! I seen your Dad on the Water he forgot his Polarized Glasses so he is borrowing my backup pair.lol You, Youngbuck, and I need to make a trip here shortly. So I can abserve a Veteran at work.

Nice buddy! I was trying to put your real name to your face/moniker:) Your shades are up there right now! He was very appreciative. Lets get going;) Let`s get some some time cleared any way.
I believe that was an open thread bro? Maybe not. It`s a good way to win a hard runner. And a tip some one should mention right about now every year for those that have never or very rarely had to use it. The feeling you get when they STOP!! Now you got yerself some catchin up to do boy!!!! Cause here he comes! I love this time of year:yay:
Nice buddy! I was trying to put your real name to your face/moniker:) Your shades are up there right now! He was very appreciative. Lets get going;) Let`s get some some time cleared any way.
I believe that was an open thread bro? Maybe not. It`s a good way to win a hard runner. And a tip some one should mention right about now every year for those that have never or very rarely had to use it. The feeling you get when they STOP!! Now you got yerself some catchin up to do boy!!!! Cause here he comes! I love this time of year:yay:

You are correct that was an open forum! lol Advice is very good! I have had to use it many times this year!
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