Hey every one I'm back

Ive been trying to get better grades in school thus i haven't been posting in a long while but i have been fishing a couple times since then and the scenario hasn't changed a bit

the steel head are still loving the little cleos and jigs and i will have some pics posted soon

and the recent hot-spots for last week are tueville using worms and the hatchery using ugly bugs and yarn balls under a bobber just giving my report and i will talk to you guys later on today

ooh i don't have a picture but i got bright coho {that i thought was a trout} this weekend that was native and the season was closed so i threw it back,.,but the odd thing about it was that it was only 14 inches and weighed 2 lbs 4oz this is the smallest salmon Ive ever caught on spoons and was wondering if any of you guys have caught and salmon or jacks under 14 inches? /
I just came across this forum this morning....I'm very curious about some of the members and what this forum is about?? SALMON KID... I fish up at the chief hole quite a bit.... I saw you a few times and looking back on dates.. Your 13 fish day was more like 6. ALL of which were SNAGGED!!! I was on the other side from you and watched... every time you were up there you snagged your fish!!! I hope OSP catches you some day soon!!! Your You tube videos of you walking on salmon redds at Touvelle boat ramp smashing eggs and snagging spawned out salmon guarding their beds made me vomit.. I hope you change your ways soon young man. There are many people who make a living on the river and enjoy it very much for recreation too... You are not a fisherman... I'm sorry for this being my first post but i am disgusted at the actions of this guy....
I just came across this forum this morning....I'm very curious about some of the members and what this forum is about?? SALMON KID... I fish up at the chief hole quite a bit.... I saw you a few times and looking back on dates.. Your 13 fish day was more like 6. ALL of which were SNAGGED!!! I was on the other side from you and watched... every time you were up there you snagged your fish!!! I hope OSP catches you some day soon!!! Your You tube videos of you walking on salmon redds at Touvelle boat ramp smashing eggs and snagging spawned out salmon guarding their beds made me vomit.. I hope you change your ways soon young man. There are many people who make a living on the river and enjoy it very much for recreation too... You are not a fisherman... I'm sorry for this being my first post but i am disgusted at the actions of this guy....
im glad someone chimed in on this,,i have nothing against the kid but it is apperant by his photos and pics that he posts,that most the fish he does catch are indeed snagged,,,Wise up salmon kid its not all about how many fish you put on the tag
any to all of the other off members if you look at my videos on you tube all fish that where foul hooked where released
and i know that eventually if you are out salmon fishing you will eventually set the hook too soon or too late and foul hook one it happens and i know where most of the spawning beds are and i try to stay out of them as much as possible and i will admit that sometimes if i am walking across the river i mite accidentally step in one and not realize it and i am sorry for that,i don't know where every single spawning bed is in the river and no one does they change every year.

and im not out there with a broom stick and a winch with 80 lb braided line and a trebble hook,., im out there with a fly pole and using 15 lb test and no trebble hook but leach pattern flys and most of the fish hit the fly

but that was last year's springer season i have learned where most of the beds are and i steer-clear of them or walk completely around them and if i am fishing at chief hole for coho using jigs occasionally your gonna foul hook one and every one that was foul hooked i released

i have learned better, more respectful ways to catch and handle fish thanks to all you that helped me by teaching me what to do and i have learned new things most every time i post,., so if i did something wrong,. please tell me so that i can correct my mistake,. and thanks to some caring members i know practice catch and release and to use barb-less hooks so that the fish would have a better chance survive

and i am trying to learn as much as possible this year because i will be leaving July 26th for basic training in benning gorging and from there Afghanistan as an airborne infantry solder

so if any of you guys see me at the river please stop and chat with me for a while and help my become a better sportsman


till next time the salmon kid
Redds are the spots in the river that are built up and the rocks have to moss or sand on them. Also don't walk through them or right below them. ITS NOT OK to SNAG fish. Just because you release them doesn't make it better or right!!! Also taking fish off the beds??? Why do you think those fish are in two feet or less of water sitting in the same spot no matter how many times you spook them??? DUH Resolve the issue with words??? NO!! Your actions repeatedly speak for themselves. You can snag fish with anything!!! YOU DO. Yes by chance you will foul hook fish on occasion. But almost all of YOUR fish are snagged!!! Change your ways... Don't apoligize for them and think its ok because you released them. I am looking forward to chatting with you in person... good day
I applaud you Salmon Kid. This forum is (supposed to be) all about teaching the correct techniques and sharing our experiences. We all make mistakes and it sounds like you are learning from them.

Instead of throwing this kid in front of the bus, maybe a little more polite education is in order.

And yea, that is a POOR first post RYF
Well I have some good news for you... the 101st is starting to return from Afganastan Yesterday, and since you are going to Benning ( training with the black hats? ) 1st Battalion I assume, you will not be heading to the Middle east for some time, Are you sure you arent going to Bragg with the 82nd?... they will remain in the middle east until the return of Christ. I have a very big piece of advice to offer... and I hope you take it, if your recruiter told you that you would be doing basic in Benning and then heading to Ranger school... he can't say that, there is no way of knowing anything, You must apply for Ranger.. and there is no way of knowing if you will go.. I would double check this info you have, becouse it sounds to me like you are being suckered into the 3rd I.D.... and the 199th is just about the same- and as far as the fishing, you need to find an older more expirenced mentor to fish with, and you will learn all the things that have nothing to do with landing a fish... that actually make you a sportsman... catching fish is the easy part- Brad
Redds are the spots in the river that are built up and the rocks have to moss or sand on them. Also don't walk through them or right below them. ITS NOT OK to SNAG fish. Just because you release them doesn't make it better or right!!! Also taking fish off the beds??? Why do you think those fish are in two feet or less of water sitting in the same spot no matter how many times you spook them??? DUH Resolve the issue with words??? NO!! Your actions repeatedly speak for themselves. You can snag fish with anything!!! YOU DO. Yes by chance you will foul hook fish on occasion. But almost all of YOUR fish are snagged!!! Change your ways... Don't apoligize for them and think its ok because you released them. I am looking forward to chatting with you in person... good day[/QUOThe said FOUL hooked not snagged there is a difference when you ruhn over a fish or it wraps itself in your line it's called an ACCIDENT. so why dont you calm your sh*t dude, and quit being a jerk.
so why dont you calm your sh*t dude, and quit being a jerk.

sh*t and jerk are pretty strong words...

he's telling like he saw it. maybe he's right, maybe not... we don't know. we're not there. so let's chill on the harsh words if we don't have the facts.

in any case, we should be helping those who don't know better. and if someone is really being bad, then, yeah... crucify and burn at the stakes. :mad:

please every one dont get angry at releseyourfuture ime shure he has a good reason to be mad
like mgdgug said this forum is all about teaching the correct techniques and sharing our experiences.

not about fighting with each other,. we all share the same rivers and i know it is hard to keep your composure with some people
but if we are to become a better group of people we need to learn about others and solve our problems in different ways
iv had my diferences with people down at the river and i learn from that

and halibuthitman i am not applying for ranger i just finishished with meps in sacramento and all my recruter has told me is that i will be shipping off july 26 to benning and training to be an ariborn infantry or 11x thats all i know so far
please every one dont get angry at releseyourfuture ime shure he has a good reason to be mad
like mgdgug said this forum is all about teaching the correct techniques and sharing our experiences.

not about fighting with each other,. we all share the same rivers and i know it is hard to keep your composure with some people
but if we are to become a better group of people we need to learn about others and solve our problems in different ways
iv had my diferences with people down at the river and i learn from that

and halibuthitman i am not applying for ranger i just finishished with meps in sacramento and all my recruter has told me is that i will be shipping off july 26 to benning and training to be an ariborn infantry or 11x thats all i know so far

Im very glad to hear that.. seems you have been lucky to get torched on here... a little prep for your future, jump school at Benning, you are about to meet the most Bad Azz soldiers from every Branch of the military... in one place.. and they are just dyin to push you off that tower- Good luck... you won't be able to call yourself kid much longer, I wish you the best. Brad
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