Help? advice? tips?

Soooo, dad wants to go carping soon. I live out in the parkrose neighborhood in Ne Portland. Would like to know some specific areas where I could catch carp within 30 mins thanks and also bait and such. My best bet right now would be blue lake in my thinking
If you are just getting into it (or wanting to), freelined Whole Kernel Corn (no weight) or a ball of White Bread about the size of a marble, fish a slack enough line to be able to see any slight movement or just enough slack line to react fast enough before they feel the resistance (try to set on a slack line.

Just like any fish, this one simple method will not always have the same success in every pond/lake/river, Blue Lake, from what I hear, has noooo shortage of Carp, some people will accept Carp as ''a gift'' and give you money as ''a gift'' in return ;):lol:.

It is best to fish around an area with a known food source...... For the day.
wow... heck i,d even like to eat those bread balls! good luck!
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I think chumming is illegal.. Not sure. I heard that using sweet corn is illegal to use for bait because its hard for the fish to digest it, True or false? And can I just use those bread balls as bait? ahah. Thanks a lot guys
not illegal, just frowned upon.
lets go fishing at blue lake tomorrow. I'll show you how to catch them.
Alright if I can get a ride then I'll go
bassman503 said:
I think chumming is illegal.. Not sure. I heard that using sweet corn is illegal to use for bait because its hard for the fish to digest it, True or false? And can I just use those bread balls as bait? ahah. Thanks a lot guys

Corn use is regulated by states, so it is best to be aware of what the regs are where you are fishing. It was believed that corn would stop up in a fishes system and kill them. This is false, but it was once widely believed to the point of the regulations against corn.

Also, it is not legal to chum with anything in some areas so check first. Whether is be chum or anything else it is always good to know the regulations where one is fishing. It can save some heart ache.

Every time I catch a trout in the fall I think of the corn not passing thing. At this time almost all the trout are full of snails. They eat them, the insides get digested in stomach acid, then the trout passes the shell. You don't even have to kill the trout to tell when this is happening. You can run your finger up and down it's belly and hear a clanking sound from the shells. Also, their anus's are all red and swollen from passing the shells. Pretty funny thing to see. It has prompted me to make several snail patterns for fall fishing there.

Hope this clarifies the issue some. A lot of people "freak out" when they hear you are using corn, but if you are current on the regulations don't worry 'bout it.
Let's clear up this corn crap.

Canned/Fresh Corn, in moderate amounts, is not harmful to fish, although it can cause digestive problems if the fish consume too much, you would really have to be chumming ridiculous amounts.

Feed Corn (this is where the ''Corn Issues" come from), which is the rock hard Corn for farm animals that has been dehydrated, HAS to be prepared (boiled), otherwise the fish can consume enough to where the corn begins to take on moisture and swell up in the digestive tract, which can kill the fish.
Ahh I see. Thanks
bassman503 said:
I think chumming is illegal.. Not sure. I heard that using sweet corn is illegal to use for bait because its hard for the fish to digest it, True or false? And can I just use those bread balls as bait? ahah. Thanks a lot guys

Chumming is illegal in Oregon. It is item 13 under the general statewide regulations:

13. Taking or attempting to take any fish by means of chumming, or knowingly angle with the aid of chum, except chumming is allowed
when fishing for offshore pelagic species outside of three miles from shore and only if no species other than offshore pelagic species
have been retained.

o i c, well like i said, i don't know the regulations for carp, being there is nothing in the regs book for carp, so i wasn't sure if it was or wasn't legal thanx for clearing that up.
No sweat. I just did not want someone to mistakenly get in trouble. I grew up on the East coast (Pittsburgh, PA) and lived in NC for a while and when I moved out here I found the rules out here were much more restrictive and were often surprising to me.

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