Hello from Lake MI!

Hope all is well back in OR! I am halfway through a four day trip on lake MI with my buddy Justin and his brother Joe. Fishing has been pretty tough for carp but the bass are so prevalent they border on annoying!
We have had bass crash through groups of carp to eat our flies and we have caught several just dragging flies behind us as we walked looking for carp. The smallmouth are just everywhere out here.


Just an amazing smallmouth location. We have caught tons of 15-18 inch smallies, with the biggest fish landed right at 20 inches. I probably landed 30 some bass today, and spent the bulk of the day trying to catch carp...it is a crazy place.

We have found hundreds of carp, but unlike in years past, they have complete lockjaw. We just can't get them to eat. We have have caught a few each day, I landed the two biggest so far at 17 lbs each, but most of the fish are simply not interested in our flies. It is pretty frustrating! hard to see so many fish and only catch a few each day.


We have also caught some drum, and my buddy caught a gar on a leech pattern...


Lake MI is amazing. So far we have 100 percent sight fished. We just walk along and look into the clear water...than cast at what we see. It is a beautiful place!


Two days to go...hoping the carp get hungry! Hope all is well in OR!
Sweet pictures!!

Those smallies gotta be a blast to catch even though you arnt targeting them.

Good luck finding some carp that are willing to bite!
Tough fishing in beautiful surroundings sounds like a hard way to spend time. :lol: Thanks for sharing it all with us. Good fishing to you and your buddies!
Well done, bro.
Looks like a lot of Fun was had. :clap::clap::D:cool:

I had much Fun as a young'un living in Milwaukee,in the lake, & fishin' up north...:lol::lol:
Also went to a Navy diesel school in Great Lakes, Il
spectacular pics! it looks like a beautiful place hope you all are enjoying yourselves and that the crp will start cooperating with you.
Thanks everyone. I always look forward to this trip but this year has been tough. Last year we landed around 80 carp (and about fifty smallies) between two of us. This year, with one day to go we have landed 11 carp...but a LOT more smallies. The carp fishing has been tough. We will fish for a chunk of to or row, then head home. Hoping to get a couple of carp! More pics:


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