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I have an invitation to fish from a property on the Willamette at just on the north end of Harrisburg.
Anyone fished this part of the river from the bank in pursuit of Sturgeon?
I'm curious if I should take my Sturgeon rig along or just fish it for the trout I'm told are target-able there.
Never fished for Sturgeon there, but I hear there's some around up there?... There's some high quality trout in there, both wild rainbows, and cutthroats. Good luck..
I go to Irish Bend Park , and I know their all over in there , so yes take a heavy duty pole ,
Good Luck , eating it is up to You , maybe not so much !, have some fun and let it go
Orgwayne;n603898 said:
I go to Irish Bend Park , and I know their all over in there , so yes take a heavy duty pole ,
Good Luck , eating it is up to You , maybe not so much !, have some fun and let it go

This is what I was thinking. I'm aware that the Irish Bend hole is said to hold sturgeon in reasonable numbers.
Considering this spot is around one mile upriver from there, sturgeon should be around.
I'm also aware that so long as I'm north of the 99 bridge at least until the Oregon City area, retention of legal size sturgeon is allowed.
pinstriper;n603888 said:
The good news: If you get a sturgeon up there, you can retain, within the size limits.

The bad news: Superfund.

Are you saying there is a superfund contamination site in the area.
I'm still new to Oregon and other than the Hanford site I'm not familiar with the sites in this part of the country.
OnTheDrop;n603887 said:
Never fished for Sturgeon there, but I hear there's some around up there?... There's some high quality trout in there, both wild rainbows, and cutthroats. Good luck..

I have no objection to fishing Trout. Just not very good at it.
I'm used to fishing for the somewhat stupid hatchery raised rainbow stockers with bait in ponds.
Do you have a suggestion as to the best method for targeting them in that area?
When I've done it it's been all fly related. Some good hatches, but my big ones came nynphimg ( no surprise )
When I lived in Corvallis I'd slip to Harrisburg, Irish Bend, etc for an afternoon or evening and was quite impressed.
Someone mentioned Sturgeon at Irish Bend, may be a good idea to try that area if you are willing to drive a few miles. Walk up the bank about 1/8 mile and you'll see the "Hole" seen a guy or two angling for them in there. Fish trout just up the Bend, if there's a hatch you'll see it come alive
If bait is allowed (legally), a bobber and worm. Cutties love worms! And they prefer slower water, than rainbows.

Oh...and I've NEVER recommended eating ANY, of the native fish. The Willy is FULL of ALL kinds, of toxic chemicals.
troutdude;n603941 said:
Oh...and I've NEVER recommended eating ANY, of the native fish. The Willy is FULL of ALL kinds, of toxic chemicals.
Hmm. From what I can find the Willamette contamination is mostly in the Portland area, there seems to be a Superfund cleanup underway there.
There are also some reported problems with agricultural runoff in the river upstream from Portland that get worse the further north you go from Eugene but no Superfund sites.
Don't let big $$$ interests, fool ya. I've been fishing for 50 years; and have never wanted to eat a native / naturalized fish from the Willy. No matter which stretch, of it, that we are referring to. And I never have.

To each, his own. Eat those fish, if you want to. But, I don't recommend it.
troutdude;n603999 said:
Don't let big $$$ interests, fool ya. I've been fishing for 50 years; and have never wanted to eat a native / naturalized fish from the Willy. No matter which stretch, of it, that we are referring to. And I never have.

To each, his own. Eat those fish, if you want to. But, I don't recommend it.

No matter which stretch? I hope you are referring to the main stem. The middle fork up near Oakridge is some of the most pristine waters I have seen. The waters east of Lookout point are gorgeous as well, and there are some fat wild fish up there! Great catch and release fly fishing water.
I never fish the Willy south of lookout for anything really for the reasons you stated, Why fish the Willy when you can fish the Mac?:thumb:I'd like to think the steelhead flush their systems with the beautiful McKenzie water when they leave the Willy.
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