Harriett camping 4/1 ~ 4/3

Going up tonight after work.. Camping Friday and Saturday nights.

No toon this weeknd though :( Just getting out for a few nights....

Black Jeep, Chocolate Lab.. stop by and say hello if you are up there.
Meal worms are my go-to when I want to catch them. Then I mess around with flies when trying to learn !!!
Wow, what a crappy weekend. Colder than you would imagine, windy as all get out, snow and rain and more snow, and more snow.... Woke up at 5:00 a.m. Saturday to get the snow off the tent - lot's of fun.

Then all day Saturday was a wet cold crappy day, Tried to fish for while and retreted to the jeep to heat up the cab. Slept there from about 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. Then ventured out to start a fire, have a few beers and go to bed. Woke up sunday and left.. didn't even fish..

I do not get turned off by weather too often but, this weekend was just plain old fashion ****-pour.

Should have stayed home !!

I am about to lose it from all this crappy weather.
LOL, ya I went up on Saturday afternoon and fished from 3:30 til 6:30ish, I made it through the first snow shower but then it really came in after 6 PM and that was it. I caught 2 nice little brown trout right before I left in the white truck and saw your camp and fire. Burr it was right at 32 degrees, windy as heck and rainy, Oh well, soon I hoping the weather warms a little bit and camping at the high lakes will be much better. I here they have gotten 16 inches of snow over the weekend at Hood.

You should have stopped and said hello... It was such a wonderful evening I am shocked you just drove on by to leave me enjoying all that weather by myself. HA, HA, HA.....

Now I have a cold.. first one in years.... I hate this winter and spring.... I am in a really bad mood and am really about to lose it....

Come on sunny summer !!!
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