Had a good morning!!!

Mad dog
32" steelhead and a 38" springer!!! :dance: less than 20 casts! Both fish right where I expected them to be! Caught the steelhead on the 2nd cast! :clap: I was done by 5:15 this morning!
Being I went alone I stopped at Fred Meyer to show my son the steelhead and made him take a hero pic! :lol:
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About as cool as it gets... nice work!
Sounds like someones done this before beauty fish man!
Way to slay'em!!! Quite envious. Love how u were done before most people even get on the water. Nice.
Johnny Southpaw said:
Way to slay'em!!! Quite envious. Love how u were done before most people even get on the water. Nice.

Ha,ha...early bird gets the worm!!! ;) In bed at 11:30, up at 2:30, on the road at 3:20, made it to the pullout by 4:05, then walked a 1/3 mile by headlamp to get to the hole. Legal was at 4:43 this morning, I give it a couple of minutes past that and luckily put it in front of a couple of fish right off! Glow corkies and good roe! They were nice aggressive bites! Probably fished an actual 5 minutes that wasn't spent fighting, bleeding or tagging fish this morning! It was quick!!! Bam...Bam!!! :D
Nice fish, sounds like you put more time into the trip than the fish, :)
Gotta love the "east" fork this time of year...I would be down there more than just a couple times a year if it wasn't 90 miles each way....
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That is just pure awesomeness
very nice fish!!!
plumb2fish said:
Gotta love the "east" fork this time of year...I would be down there more than just a couple times a year if it wasn't 90 miles each way....

I love the "East fork" in July....Salmon, steelhead.....steelhead, salmon.....I'm just fishin'....never know what is going to bite!

Salmon fishing is deffinetely on the downhill side of the run but there are some bright stragglers coming up with the summers!
Dang! Nice Job! What river was this?
Looks like an awesome way to start the day. I love those mornings where you're done before the sun even rises.
I am OFFicially jealous!
Nice fish wish I would have a day like that!
Very nicely done! :cool:
That's "epic" in my lexicon. Being early or first is generally a good thing. Good job.
Very nicely done sir!
Good work, beats actual work any day.
Mad dog said:
Ha,ha...early bird gets the worm!!! ;) In bed at 11:30, up at 2:30, on the road at 3:20, made it to the pullout by 4:05, then walked a 1/3 mile by headlamp to get to the hole. Legal was at 4:43 this morning, I give it a couple of minutes past that and luckily put it in front of a couple of fish right off! Glow corkies and good roe! They were nice aggressive bites! Probably fished an actual 5 minutes that wasn't spent fighting, bleeding or tagging fish this morning! It was quick!!! Bam...Bam!!! :D
if a new fisherman read this paragraph he would find about 4 hints on how to be a bad azz fisherman... man coffee tastes good at 3;20 in the morning!
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