Good holes on the Wilson river

Hey guys new here just wondering where some good holes are on the wilson for drifting.. any ideas ??
Be patient...the answers will come

Be patient...the answers will come

Hey, just wanted to welcome you to one of the best fishing forums in the west. Hope to see lots of posts from you on here after you find your fishing holes and buddies. Don't give up, it takes patience just like fishing sometimes when everyone here is out after that "last one". Keep posting,keep asking and keep checking.
The Wilson,eh? Well, I have never fished that particular body of water myself. But I know there are past posts that have some info in them. Please help yourself to any and all information including bait used,location,line and most anything you will need to get into the fish there. I heartily reccomend going through the archives to anyone who wants to overload on info.
In the meantime,how about it,the rest of you fisherfolks? Any advice for our new member??
Hope that helps...just know that you are welcome and that someone will answer as many questions as possible. Welcome again.
MJBSN2 said:
Hey guys new here just wondering where some good holes are on the wilson for drifting.. any ideas ??
ive just started fishing again the last couple months and most is the wilson.sinceits closer to home.
i like to vernture around. and have my favorites. I usually go in the middle of the week when its less crowded with people. believe me there are some nice fishies in there. good for trout right now till the 31st. salmon in the deep holes just hanging out waiting for rain.
theres a ew holes down from the forest service visitors center.
The wilson is close? I thought it was all the way near the coast and is a coastal river... How close does it come and how long of a drive is it? :think:
FishSchooler said:
The wilson is close? I thought it was all the way near the coast and is a coastal river... How close does it come and how long of a drive is it? :think:

i would consider it close. its within an hour. there is fishing from the bay to the devils lake fork. and special regs on the south fork. there is also the trask and nestucca check your regs for the northwest zone. map on page 22 gives lots of info.
you can fish the main wilson as far as the s.f. which is mile post 41. i think.
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I went on a field trip to camp magrueder and we past the wilson, it looked awesome, but it took like more than 2 hours... maybe cause it was a big fat bus full of big fat people... :lol: not... Or maybe cause you live in beaverton and not in LO ;)
Phish on is right. I reach wilson in hour and a hlf and i live in se portland. i caught a 40 lber at trask and i'm leaving a day after it rains. those rivers will be loaded with fish..i'm looking forward to break my own to fight a 50-60 lb hog this time....
luv2fish said:
Phish on is right. I reach wilson in hour and a hlf and i live in se portland. i caught a 40 lber at trask and i'm leaving a day after it rains. those rivers will be loaded with fish..i'm looking forward to break my own to fight a 50-60 lb hog this time....

Ha Ha...dont we all!
Fishtopher said:
Ha Ha...dont we all!
Not really, cause some people want to take better care of their rods and reels... :D
FishSchooler said:
Not really, cause some people want to take better care of their rods and reels... :D

and our rods and reels want to take better care of us?:confused:
Rain is acomming. monday looks like a good day. :clap::clap::dance::dance::dance::clap:
anyone want to caravan?
if you want to leave for wilson, tuesday or wednesday will be a good day since its gonna rain on sunday and monday..infact tue and wed too but i guess 48 hours will be good wait. I'll be heading to my favourite hole on tue or wed..
What About The Trask ???? Think They Will Both Pick Up By Monday ???
MJBSN2 said:
What About The Trask ???? Think They Will Both Pick Up By Monday ???

dont know, but i would guess so. if it rains friday,sat and sunday. which is what the forecast is calling for in tillamook and beaverton, i would think that there will be a lot of water comming out of the costal range. :think:
fishfinger might have a better handle on this.
I know that last little front that came in it brought the wilson up about a foot.

If it rains on friday, that means... raining on halloween... wahhhh wahhhh... I was going to be a party pooper too... you know, dont where a costume... :whistle:
there's rain almost all week in tillamook water is going to run a lil high ..but you never know how much rain...and anyways the whole idea is to get more fresh fish.. lil high water is not gonna make a recent past years i've noticed that salmon in tidal water doesn't mind bit high water...i'll say weekend will be really good but then again there will be lot of can give it a try on monday...yesterday there was a big tide and lots of fish caught in the i guess its arright
looks like next week will be both monday and wednesday. :think:
Im gonna try saturday on the trask or maybe both....... my buddy went to tillamook bay yesterday and limited out in 2 hours. thats 4 people. so i know there coming.
wilson holes

wilson holes

last year I hooked and landed 9 big nooks in less then 2 hrs. behind the burned down Guide Shop - all were snagged and released - corkie and yarn - no bait - it was fun but frustrating - use a 6ft. leader and hope you can floss their teeth --
Skunked on the wilson yesterday,eggs,shrimp, lures,nothing worked but i did snag a 12 inch trout by the eye....... looks like we need more rain. i will try again on monday i guess
MJBSN2 said:
Skunked on the wilson yesterday,eggs,shrimp, lures,nothing worked but i did snag a 12 inch trout by the eye....... looks like we need more rain. i will try again on monday i guess
where did you go. Ill be on the wilson on monday. look for a red bronco and stop by if ya want. ill be in different areas. gonna leave about 10 or so.

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