Gold Rey dam???? what do you think?

so what will happen when they take out gold Rey dam? where will the carp,bass, crappie and catfish in the back water go?
and why are they doing it during salmon season? and how will we get our fish count? where will the deadline be?
what are your views on the removing of gold Rey dam? :think::think::think::think:
removal of the dam is EXCELLENT news.dont worry about the bass carp and catfish,,i would rather have healthy salmon
Didn't this thing go down ahead of schedule yesterday or the day before?

Removal of dams can only improve salmon runs. Wish they would remove more dams, on more rivers.
Nevermind, was just the sand spit next to the coffer dam that moved some stuff around. Either way,'ll be gone. As far as the other species of fish, they're not native nor endangered, so what's it matter? And ODFW will figure out a different means of getting a count on fish, to determine the health of the population.
I think that the removal of the dam is a good thing ! As far as a deadline , there will not be one as there will no longer be a dam or a fish ladder:rolleyes: As far as the warm water fish . a lot of them were caught with nets and/or hook and line by various bass clubs and taken in tanks to Denman Ponds. I don't know that it will increase salmon and or steelhead runs , as I don't think that Gold Ray had as much as an impact as say Savage Rapids did. I can remember being in my teen years and we counted the salmon and steelhead that jumped over the face of the dam not the ones in the fish ladder:lol: But to be able to take a raft from Cole Rivers fish hatchery ( Lost Creek dam ) all the way to Gold Beach will be a wonderful thing !:clap::dance::clap::dance:
Here is a link to a video showing the sand spit giving up to the " mighty Rogue River " , here a link to some great pictures from the local paper Photo Gallery
what about the squa fish or pike minnow ever since they took out savage rapids dam they have moved up, Ive been catching them at gold Rey now, will they move up to the hatchery and eat all the salmon eggs and fry up there?
removal of the dam is EXCELLENT news.dont worry about the bass carp and catfish,,i would rather have healthy salmon
Yes, excellent news.
I believe that this was/is a top-spill dam which is a fish killer for cold water species because it instantly and unnaturally warms the river downstream as it is dumping the warm water from on top and trapping the cold water below.

Cheers to the demise of this one.
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