Frog Lake report!!

Yesterday my family and another family of ours went out to Frog Lake and arrived there at 8:30. Walked the trails to get to the other side of the lake which is deeper. The water is SUPER clear. I climbed up a hill covered with boulders and could literally see all the fish and the bottom of the lake. The Bite Was CRAZYY. Lots of fish surfacing too. Every cast u had a fish on! We were limiting out REALLy quick so we decided to take a 30 min break after 30 min of fishing. While we were eating we saw this HUGE fish in the water not 5ft away from the bank.. It was Reddish pink and had the shape of a stealhead. Dont know what it was though. The 30 min brake turned out to be an hour and a half. lol, because it was so hot that everybody decided to take a dip after eating breakfast. The water was SUPER cold tho. Later on at about 11 we finally got back to our fishing spots but the bite had DIED OFF DRAMATICALLY. There were still lots of fish jumping here and there but nothing would bite. We still managed to catch 11 after breakfast though. All together we all caught about 70 trout! The trout were weird though. Their adipose fin was not clipped but we asked the Ranger about that and he said not to worry about it. xD. It was a fun day overall. We actually wanted to fish at Trillium but it was too crowed with swimmers. :D
The Mystery Fish was Probally a Brook Trout. They always do that, Swim 5 feet away from shore. Just drop a Fly or lure un front of its nose and It will hit it like it said something about its mom.
that fish was one of the recycled brooders they stocked in the lake. just an old used up rainbow trout. lol. still good for the fight though. most of those brooders in there are 24" or more.
It sounds like you had a great time! I've never been up to Frog Lake, maybe I'll give it a try sometime. Were you using live bait or spinners?
frog lake is really shallow. so powerbait fishing off the bottom is the best bet from the shore. people do fairly well with lures on boats. fly fishermen seem to catch their fair share as well.
where is frog lake?

my son is in town. we are new to OR. looking for a nice small camping spot with a fish or two.

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