Fly casting question...

i was recently introduced to fly fishing and casting a fly is definitely a challenge for me. so i looked up some video tutorials (on youtube) to try and improve my distance.

anyways... i have been practicing with my 9 ft 5wt rod, throwing a wf5 with a 12' sinking tip at a parking lot. and even by double hauling, i could only get my fly out 55'-60' (measured by the number of parking lot lines). is that pretty good... so-so... or is that pathetic?

the other question i have is, when trying to shoot line on my forward casts, on occasion, my yarn would hit my rod. what is the fault/remedy?

Range is good for a 5wt as for the hitting you are probably bobbling a bit in your cast if you dont keep a straight back an forward arc you will get stuff like that.
Range if fine but not really good for anything but lake fishing and even then not really needed. If you get to streams and rivers accuracy and landing the fly gently are way more important then distance. Also since you sound like you are digging it which is great, highly recommend getting a good roll cast down for when you have no room to backcast, you can even go single hand spey a bit too. So accuracy and laying the fly down gently along with a roll cast or speyish type cast for when you have no room should be your next challenge! Accuracy is huge if you are rolling down a river in a boat and have to hit pockets. Good luck it is a lot of fun. Fly hitting your rod probably has to do with rod angle like the above person said and not enough pause on the backcast.
I use a 5wt. in rivers and a 6wt in lakes... cause the 6wt has more backbone to throw a lot more line. I agree with all the mentioned above.
I find that my backcast and my forward stroke are in different planes if that makes any sense. When my backcast and forward cast are in the same plane I will sometimes hook my line or worse.

i was recently introduced to fly fishing and casting a fly is definitely a challenge for me. so i looked up some video tutorials (on youtube) to try and improve my distance.

anyways... i have been practicing with my 9 ft 5wt rod, throwing a wf5 with a 12' sinking tip at a parking lot. and even by double hauling, i could only get my fly out 55'-60' (measured by the number of parking lot lines). is that pretty good... so-so... or is that pathetic?

the other question i have is, when trying to shoot line on my forward casts, on occasion, my yarn would hit my rod. what is the fault/remedy?


Jimmy..Sounds like you're getting it Down!!:dance: Better in grass though. Pavement can scratch fly lines and also collect dirt and oils.
I agree with "OnTheFly" get off the pavement onto the grass. I always suggest a ball field even one with artificial turf. The yard markers will help you figure out how far your casting. Once you get the hang of it, practice putting your fly inside the "0" of the 10,20,30 yard markers.

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